
Useful Sentences实用句子 1.We usually dn't grant any discunt fr small quantities. 通常情况下,对于小额订货我们是不给折扣的。 2.Our price is in line with the prevailing/ruling internatinal market. 我们的价格与现行世界的行情是一致的。 3.Market is advancing/ging up/strengthening/rising. 行市上涨。 4.Market is falling/drpping/ging dwn/weakening. 行市下跌。 5.Market is strng/firm/steady/active. 市场坚挺/趋升/稳定/活跃。 6.Market is easy/weak/dull/glmy/sluggish. 市场疲软/疲软/暗淡/暗淡/呆滞。 7.In view f ur gd cperatin ver the pa

