Plant J | 植物激素与防御信号最新综述2篇

今天,介绍2篇综述,发表在最新一期Plant Journal,有关于植物激素与防卫反应,放在一起食用,效果更佳、

第一篇:Long‐distance stress and developmental signals associated with abscisic acid signaling in environmental responses





Flowering plants consist of highly differentiated organs, including roots, leaves, shoots and flowers, which have specific roles: root system for water and nutrient uptake, leaves for photosynthesis and gas exchange and reproductive organs for seed production. The communication between organs through the vascular system, by which water, nutrient and signaling molecules are transported, is essential for coordinated growth and development of the whole plant, particularly under adverse conditions. Here, we highlight recent progress in understanding how signaling pathways of plant hormones are associated with long‐distance stress and developmental signals, with particular focus on environmental stress responses. In addition to the root‐to‐shoot peptide signal that induces abscisic acid accumulation in leaves under drought stress conditions, we summarize the diverse stress‐responsive peptide signals reported to date to play a role in environmental responses.

第二篇:Multiple levels of crosstalk in hormone networks regulating plant defense





Plant hormones are essential for regulating the interactions between plants and their complex biotic and abiotic environments. Each hormone initiates a specific molecular pathway and these different hormone pathways are integrated in a complex network of synergistic, antagonistic and additive interactions. This inter‐pathway communication is called hormone crosstalk. By influencing the immune network topology, hormone crosstalk is essential for tailoring plant responses to diverse microbes and insects in diverse environmental and internal contexts. Crosstalk provides robustness to the immune system but also drives specificity of induced defense responses against the plethora of biotic interactors. Recent advances in dry‐lab and wet‐lab techniques have greatly enhanced our understanding of the broad‐scale effects of hormone crosstalk on immune network functioning and have revealed underlying principles of crosstalk mechanisms. Molecular studies have demonstrated that hormone crosstalk is modulated at multiple levels of regulation, such as by affecting protein stability, gene transcription and hormone homeostasis. These new insights into hormone crosstalk regulation of plant defense are reviewed here, with a focus on crosstalk acting on the jasmonic acid pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana, highlighting the transcription factors MYC2 and ORA59 as major targets for modulation by other hormones.

