朱慧英| PEP6AU4 I have a pen pal A Let's learn教学设计

PEP 6A Unit 4 I have a pen pal A Let's learn教学设计

桐乡市高桥实验学校教育集团高桥实验学校  朱慧英

本单元主要谈论笔友或好朋友的业余爱好,涉及到一般现在时的简单用法、一般现在时中主语是第三人称单数的陈述句和一般疑问句的正确运用。本课时是本单元的第一课时,主要学习5个动词短语的动词-ing形式,能够听、说、认读句子“What is your hobby?” What are your hobbies? “ I like doing ....” 等句型并能够在真实的语境中运用。
1.能够听、说、读、写reading,singing,playing,dancing,doing等5动词的ing 形式,并能根据分词变化形式的规律进行总结。
2.能够听、说、认读句子“What is your hobby?””What are your hobbies? “ I like doing ....”并在具体语境中进行运用。
1.在具体的语境中运用“What is your hobby? ”What are your hobbies? “I like doing ....”等句型进行简单的对话。 
2.掌握动词短语的ing 形式,并会用动词ing形式来表述自己或者他人的喜好。
Step 1: Warm-up
1. Sing a song“Days of the week”.
2. Free talk
T:I’m your new friend today. My name is Jasmine. There are 7days in a week. Can you guess ?What do I do on these days?
T:Look!What do I often do on Mondays?
S1: You do homework, read English and sing songs on Mondays.
T: Yes. I’m busy. What about Tuesdays?
S2: You read newspapers,sing songs and do sports on Tuesdays.
T: Show the picture of Wednesday.
S3: You...
T: Show the picture of Thursday.
S4: You...
T: Show the picture of Friday.
S5: You...
T: Look! What does Jasmine do on Saturdays? Talk with your partners.
S5,S6 ask and answer.
T: Look! What does Jasmine do on Sundays? Talk with your partners.
S7, S8 ask and answer.
(设计意图:关于星期的歌曲热身,不仅活跃课堂气氛,同时复习星期单词。教师从Free talk入手,在自然的交谈中复习已学动词短语,拉近教师与学生的距离,为下一步教学做好铺垫。)
Step 2:Presentation
1. Learn the words “reading,singing”.
T:Ha,ha. Boys and girls. I like reading.  学习单词:read —— reading
And I also like singing. (I like singing,too. )      学习单词:sing——singing
Look!I like singing ( I like Chinese songs, English songs....)
I like reading...(newspapers, magazine, comic books, word books, English, Chinese, stories....)
2. Learn the word “playing”.
T:Yea.Jasmine likes reading and singing.
T:And look! “I like playing” and “ I like eating”,too.  学习单词:play——playing
Ss: Talk in groups.
3. Learn the words “hobby——hobbies”
T: So Jasmine likes reading, singing and playing. And these are my hobbies.   hobby——hobbies
T: What are your hobbies?
S1: I like....
T: What is your hobby?
S2: I like...
T/Ss比较这两个句型:A:What are your hobbies?  B:I like ______ and________.
A: What is your hobby?      B: I like_________.
4. Pair work(操练这两个句型)
(设计意图:通过free talk 学生对教师喜好的了解,引出新知并大量复现动词短语,激活学生的语言储备,学习动词ing形式和单词,并初步进行简单的喜好问答。)
5. Learn the words “dancing,doing”
(创设情境:Miss White让孩子们根据自己的爱好参加clubs)
M: Hi! Children. We have a singing club, a reading club, a football club, a kungfu club and a dancing club.
M: What are your hobbies,Children?  What’s your hobby, John?
J: I like doing kungfu.     学习单词:do--doing
M: What’s your hobby, Mike?
Mike: I like dancing.
M: What’s your hobby, Sarah?/What are your hobbies, Sarah?
S: I like reading stories.
M: What are your hobbies, Wu Yifan?
W: I like playing football.
M: What are your hobbies, Amy?
A: I like singing.
6. 感知like和likes的不同
T: Amy likes singing.  Mike likes dancing. Sarah likes reading stories. Wu Yifan likes playing football. John likes doing kungfu.So xxx can join the _____ club.
S1: Amy can join the singing club.
S2: Mike can join the dancing club.
S3: Sarah can join the reading club.
S4: Wu yifan can join the football club.
S5: John can join the kungfu club.
(设计意图:通过创设Miss White让孩子们根据自己的爱好参加clubs的情境,继续学习新单词dancing,doing,并巩固上面的新单词,学生渐渐会用句型表达自己的爱好,并进行第三人称的转换。)
7. Now let’s chant.
8. Group work:整理、归纳词法
①+ing    (大多数动词可以直接在后面+ing)
read--reading   play--playing    do--doing   sing--singing
②去e+ing(以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e 再+ing)
dance--dancing   write--writing
get--getting    sit--sitting
9. Let’s try:学生根据以上词法的整理,进行简单的练习。
10. Let’s check
11. Let's learn
T: Zhang Peng is talking with his pen pal, Peter. What are Zhang Peng’s hobbies? Listen and tickP39 听音,打√
Zhang Peng likes___________.
Zhang Peng also likes _________ and ______________.
Zhang Peng likes _____________, ________________ and ________________.
Step 3:Practice
1. Listen and repeat the dialogue.
2. Pair work and finish the survey
A: What are your hobbies?/A: What is your hobby?
B: I like...
3. Make a report.
XXX likes _______, _________.
XXX likes ______, ________and____________.
Step 4:Consolidation
Read and write about Jessie's 2 hobbies.
Step 5: Homework
1. Read P39 fruently.
2. Try to talk about your family’s hobbies or your friend’s hobbies.
3. Try to write the verbs add “-ing” on WB.
