【造词理据】词源给了两种解释。1. 象形。源自PIE词根*bhreu-(气泡)。B象形,模仿气泡的形状。原指做面食时发面的气泡或酿酒时的气泡,后指面包。2.拟声。模仿面包被切开的声音,借指切开的一条面包。有种说法认为,bread表示面包的一条,而loaf(面包的一条)才指面包。
【例句】About a year from now, if all goes well, a box about the size of a loaf of bread willpop out of a rocket some 500 miles above the Earth.
【同根词】barm; barmy; bourn (n.1) "small stream;" braise; bratwurst; brawn; brawny; braze (v.1) "to expose to the action of fire;" brazier; Brazil; bread; breed; brew; broth; broil (v.2) "to quarrel, brawl;" brood; effervesce; effervescence; effervescent; embroil; ferment; fervent; fervid; fervor; imbroglio.
【例句】Talks at the White House to try to break the deadlock over the US national debthave broken up without agreement.
【同根词】anfractuous; Brabant; bracken; brake (n.1) "stopping device for a wheel;" brake (n.2) "kind of fern;" brash; breach; break; breccia; breeches; brioche; chamfer; defray; diffraction; fractal; fraction; fractious; fracture; fragile; fragility; fragment; frail; frangible; infraction; infringe; irrefragable; irrefrangible; naufragous; ossifrage; refract; refraction; refrain (n.); refrangible; sassafras; saxifrage; suffragan; suffrage.
【例句】Morgan said he had spoken to Boyle and did not think she had suffered a breakdown.Morgan称,他已与苏珊交谈过,认为苏珊情绪并未崩溃。
【例句】I eat some breakfast, make a cup of coffee, and pack up to leave.
【同根词】相关词:avast bedfast breakfast fasten faster fastly fastness handfast shamefaced soothfast steadfast