Chemical Engineering Journal: 水热预处理联合改性水热炭吸附技术回收沼液...
中国农业大学资源与环境学院张涛副教授等采用水热预处理联合改性水热炭吸附技术回收沼液中氨氮。其中水热预处理可实现不溶性或有机氮向无机氮的转化,而碱活化水热炭显著提高了氨氮的吸附效率。通过建立吸附动力学与热力学模型,定量评价吸附手段下氨氮的回收效能。相关成果发表于Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=10.652)。
该研究由中国农业大学资源与环境学院联合德国伍珀塔尔大学,南京大学共同完成。近年,张涛副教授在农业废弃物养分循环与利用领域开展了深入的研究,主要研究成果在Green Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, Waste Management 等学术期刊发表。研究获得国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目的资助。
·Up to 93.45% of total nitrogen transformed into ammonium by hydrothermal process.
·Activated hydrochar was synthesized to capture ammonium nitrogen.
·10.14% of total nitrogen was recovered after solubilization, capture, and available.
·Nitrogen sorption by activated hydrochar was assessed by FTIR, SEM and BET.
Nitrogen recovery from bio-based digestate has attracted considerable interests recently, but has been limited by the indirect capture of organic or insoluble nitrogen and the lower sorption ability of hydrochar. To mitigate these challenges, we used a hydrothermal pretreatment to promote the conversion of insoluble or organic nitrogen. Activated hydrochar was synthesized by using potassium hydroxide to enhance its sorption capacity, and the hydrochar was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface-area analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. An optimal efficiency was achieved at 210 °C, with 93.45% total nitrogen solubilization into ammonium. The sorption data of ammonium on the activated hydrochar fitted the pseudo second order kinetics and Langmuir model well. This reaction was dominated by chemisorption, which referring to the formation of bonds between (oxygen-containing) functional groups and ammonium. The maximum ammonium adsorption on the activated hydrochar at 260 °C (260AH) was 108.57 mg g−1. The ammonium sorption was endothermic, spontaneous and associated with a disorder increase on the solid-liquid interface. Once saturated, the ammonium was released continually from activated hydrochar and is anticipated to show an optimal performance in an alkaline environment. The amount of ammonium that was released from the saturated activated hydrochar at 260 °C after five extractions was 13.09 mg g−1. The nitrogen mass-balance calculations show that 10.14% total nitrogen was recovered after nitrogen solubilization, capture, and release. Therefore, potassium-hydroxide-activated hydrochar performed as a promising composite sorbent for ammonium.
水热预处理沼液释放氮素实验以pH=3的沼液调试液为底物,设置120, 150, 180 ℃和 210 ℃温度梯度组,即HD120, HD150, HD180和HD210。由3D-EEM分析结果可知水热预处理通过水解蛋白质、降解有机质,细胞裂解等方式促进了粪便中氮的溶解和释放。本组实验在210 ℃水热处理中实现了溶解和转化铵态氮的最佳性能,氨氮转化率达到93.45%。

3D-EEM分析不同水热温度处理下的沼液产物 (a) RD, (b) HD120, (c) HD150, (d) HD180, (e) HD210.

SEM分析(a) 230RH, (b) 230AH, (c) 260RH, (d) 260AH, (e) 260CM水热炭样品的表面形态结构
吸附实验表明,活性水热炭对氨盐的吸附数据符合拟二阶动力学(pseudo second order kinetics)和朗缪尔模型(Langmuir model)。即反应以化学吸附为主,吸附量最高可达108.57 mg·g−1。吸附机理如下图所示。

在连续浸提实验过程中,饱和吸附的260PAH样品释放效率为pH8.5 > 6.5 > 4.5(图a)。采用拟二阶动力学法对数据进行拟合,发现在碱性条件下该样品得到了最佳的释放效率(120 h时达到9.24 mg·g−1)。在间隔浸提过程中,饱和吸附的260PAH样品在pH8.5条件下氮释放量达到13.09 mg·g-1,这表明饱和吸附水热炭具有可用作氨基肥料的潜力,在农业领域应用过程中达到可持续性的目标。

校对和审核:张阳 王农