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In modern age, some people think it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?






People no longer hand write anything except their signatures, and actually, this (指代词的使用,是建立行文脉络的关键,这里的this指代前一句所陈述的情况。) is a pity. Although typing has undeniable benefits, handwriting should be taught and learned.(三言两语的开头段落,信息紧凑高效,节奏不拖沓,是雅思大作文开头段落的上上策。)


Handwriting is art and aesthetics (“美学”), as it can be calligraphy (“书法”). There is no denying that the keyboard works with higher efficiency and arguably better accuracy than does a pen or pencil. →让步让步,勿忘让步,不是必需,但是推荐,让步这一话术,让自己的论证更全面平衡客观理性。) Considering this defense (“辩护”) of the opponents to handwriting, we obviously do not teach our children to hand write essays or anything in great length, → 进一步,是为了后面的转折做准备。) and instead, the skill is fostered (“培养”) as an artistic (“艺术性的”) skill. The skill is developed as it is about cultivation rather than utility (“功能”). Children with good calligraphy or learning calligraphy may have exquisite (“讲究的”) taste.

Second, good handwriting is about command (“掌控”). Skillful (“熟练的”) use of muscles and the writing instrument, either a pen or a pencil takes strength and coordination (“协调”), and the control of mind is not easy. Children, in learning handwriting, learns to when to restrain (“约束”) and when to let go. It is found that a child who has pleasant handwriting has an adorable (“讨喜的”) character (“人格”), because the child has learned to manage his or her emotions and behavior through writing by hand, which requires expression and reservation (“收敛”) of himself or herself in different times and circumstances.→ 这一段讨论的理由就不设置让步啦,自己的道理一气贯通下来。)


At this point, we may be aware that teaching children the skill of handwriting is not for the sake of writing but for higher purposes. There is the pity that handwriting has been removed (“移除”) from the curriculum of so many schools. It would be a greater pity if handwriting as a subject will no longer be available in more schools. →最后两句话的内容是一种写作设计,体会一下,从现实说到虚拟,重复以强调pity。)



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