综述:Acta Oncologica Volume 58, 2019 - Issue 2 链接:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0284186X.2018.1529428 把乳腺癌易感基因的风险分成了3个等级;
High-risk variants: Very rare in the population with a minor allele frequency of <0.005. The conferred relative risk of breast cancer is higher than 4. Moderate-risk variants: Rare, with a minor allele frequency of 0.005–0.01. Pathogenic variants confer a relative risk of 2–4. Low-risk variants: Minor allele frequency >0.05 and conferred risk of breast cancer of less than 1.5-fold
于April 2020发表在《The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics》杂志的文章是:《Germline Mutation in 1338 BRCA-Negative Chinese Hereditary Breast and/or Ovarian Cancer Patients: Clinical Testing with a Multigene Test Panel》,链接在:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1525157820300362
High-risk breast cancer patients who were negative for BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and PTEN were selected from the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry between 2007-2016.
In the study, 745 patients were subjected to 30-gene panel by next-generation sequencing (Color Genomics).
文献是:Ann Oncol. 2015 , 总结了那些乳腺癌相关的胚系遗传性的致病突变,共11个基因,结论很简单:
Up to 25% of hereditary cases are due to a mutation in one of the few identified rare, but highly penetrant genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, PTEN, TP53, CDH1, and STK11), which confer up to an 80% lifetime risk of breast cancer. An additional 2%-3% of cases are due to a mutation in a rare, moderate-penetrance gene (e.g. CHEK2, BRIP1, ATM, and PALB2), each associated with a twofold increase in risk. 最后是低风险的多态性位点,A small number of low-penetrance alleles have been identified using advanced genetic testing methods.
在 February 4, 2021 发表于NEJM杂志的文章:《Population-Based Study of Genes Implicated in Breast Cancer》,
链接是:https://www.nejm.org/do/10.1056/NEJMdo005961/full/ 主要是结论是:
The prevalence of pathogenic variants in the 12 established genes among women with breast cancer (N=32,247) was 5.03%, and the prevalence in unaffected women (N=32,544) was 1.63%.
对来自25个国家高达11万3000位女性的基因样本进行大范围的基因检测,确定了12个基因 的突变和乳腺癌发病风险的升高存在直接的联系:ATM、BRCA1、BRCA2、CHEK2、PALB2、BARD1、RAD51C、RAD51D、PTEN、NF1、MSH6和TP53基因。
2018年NC的一篇日本人群队列文章:Germline pathogenic variants of 11 breast cancer genes in 7,051 Japanese patients and 11,241 controls 只关心了11个基因,
该研究纳入了7093 female breast cancer patients 和 11,260 female controls,有意思的是他们居然纳入了男性,We also examined 53 male breast cancer patients and 12,520 male controls using the same criteria.