历年真题 | 湖南师范大学971学科英语真题分享(2016-2018年)
一、Explain briefly the following terms:
1.Communication strategies
2.Foreigner talk
3.Formulaic speech
4.Macro-lesson planning
5.Language errors
6.In-the-use evaluation
二、Answer the questions briefly:
1.How important is it for a teacher to ask questions in language teaching?
2.What do you think are the common characteristics of effective speaking tasks when teaching speaking?
3.According to your own understanding, what constitute a language learner’s overall language ability?
4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of group work in classroom language teaching?
三、Task completion:
1.Stephen Krashen (1989) argues that “competence in spelling and vocabulary is most effectively attained by comprehensible input in the form of reading”. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
Besides the comprehensible input hypothesis, what other hypotheses did he put forward?
Among these hypotheses, which one impressed you the most? And why?
2.According to Gardner and Lambert, motivation is strongly influenced by two motivations to language learning. What are they?
Explain them in details respectively.
Is there a better motivation than the other one for a student to learn a foreign language.
3.The key premise of audiolingual method of language teaching is that “error like sin needs to be avoided at all costs” (Brooks. 1960). This premise holds that once learners have formed incorrect habits, they will have difficulty eradicating them and replacing them with correct habits. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that learners develop correct habits in the first place.
Based on the statements above, please answer the questions 1—2
1)What do you think is the psychological base of “the audiolingual method”?
2)What pedagogical implications do you get in terms of “when to teaching grammar” issue in foreign language teaching?
3)What is your opinion towards “when to teach grammar” issue in foreign language teaching?
一、Explain briefly the following terms:
1.Inductive grammar teaching
2.Discourse competence
3.Criterion-referenced assessment
5.Productive vocabulary
6.Contrastive analysis hypothesis
二、Answer the questions briefly:
1.What is your understanding of autonomous learning?
How to cultivate learners in foreign language teaching?
2.What do you think should be proper relationship between in-class learning and out-of-class learning according to the new National English curriculum?
3.Some people think teaching is a craft; others hold the view that teaching is an applied science. What is your understanding of the development of a teacher’s professional competence?
4.According to Rod Ellis (1999), there are three views on input in language acquisition. What are they?
Please make a detailed description of them respectively 。
三、Task completion:
1.Read the following short passage and then answer questions:
(1).What is the author’s attitude towards the two approaches of writing teaching respectively?
(2).According to your own understanding, what are the demerits of the process-oriented approach of writing teaching?
2. Read the following text entitle “Please Send Me A Card”.
(1). What principles should be considered when setting teaching objectives for a text?
(2). Write down the teaching objectives of this text in reference to the framework of objectives in the New English Curriculum?
3. Read the above text entitle “Please Send Me A Card” again, answer the following questions:
(1). What language contents and skills are you going to teach?
(2). Write down the teaching procedures of a 4-minute lesson for the text.
一、Explain briefly the following terms:
1.Norm-reference assessment
2.Hypothesis testing
3.Universal Grammar
6.Communicative competence
二、Answer the questions briefly:
1.What are the individual differences in second language learning?
As an English learner, which differences seem to you most likely to be associated with success in English language learning?
2.What is the framework of the English teaching objectives in the new National English Curriculum?
Please give an example of classroom teaching to illustrate how you achieve one or two of these teaching objectives.
3.How do second/foreign language teachers design teaching stages for a new structure-based lesson and a task-based lesson?
Why should they be designed differently?
4.What is deductive, inductive, and guided discovery method?
How does a second/foreign teacher use these three methods to teach the same grammar structure?
三、Task completion:
1.It is a general dilemma faced by language teachers today whether to focus on accuracy or fluency. According to your own understanding, what does accuracy and fluency involve?
How will you balance accuracy and fluency in English language teaching?
2.The great English linguist Wilkins once said, “if there is no grammar, people can only express something; but if there is no vocabulary, people can express nothing.” Do you agree with him? Why/why not?
what do you need to consider carefully when planning to teach new English words?
3.Stern (1983) proposed a three-level model of second language teaching (see Figure 1). Please describe the relationship between the three levels,
and then please give your understanding of English language teaching in China if it is guided by this model.