康泰纳仕集团高端旅游生活杂志《悦游》2021年读者之选大奖于10月5日正式发布榜单,上海外滩华尔道夫酒店摘获中国TOP20最佳酒店榜桂冠,并荣登全球最佳酒店榜单第2位。这也是上海外滩华尔道夫酒店连续第三年上榜。《悦游》作为美国权威性的奢华和生活方式旅行杂志,将休闲与优雅、随兴与高端相融合。长久以来因其杂志的忠实读者——来自世界各地的高端旅游消费者,为一年一度的“读者之选”奖项不断贡献着自己的真知灼见,也使得“读者之选”成为酒店行业最具声望的奖项之一。Condé Nast Traveler has revealed the results of its 34th annual Readers’ Choice Awards, recognizing Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund as the #1 'Top 20 Hotels in China' and #2 'Best Hotels in the World'. It has been three consecutive years that we are on the list.Condé Nast Traveler is the world’s most distinguished travel magazine providing inspiration and advice for discerning travelers. The Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards are the prestigious recognition of excellence in the travel industry and are commonly known as “the best of the best of travel”.
上海外滩华尔道夫酒店矗立于外滩万国建筑博览群中,是一座拥有传奇色彩、恒久建筑与深厚历史的奢华酒店。《悦游》读者之选所授予的殊荣是对于上海外滩华尔道夫酒店一直以来致力于为宾客创造铭心忘怀入住体验的肯定。酒店将始终秉承“至真华尔道夫服务”,为您打造真挚难忘的美妙回忆。再次感谢您的喜爱与支持!As the first Waldorf Astoria hotel in Asia Pacific, Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund mixes the history and culture of the surrounding district with a taste for 21st century sophistication.We are deeply honored and extremely proud to receive this prestigious award from Condé Nast Traveler. We will continue to provide 'True Waldorf Service' and bring unforgettable memories to our guests.·愈恣享,愈铭心LIVE UNFORGETTABLE