Weight training prompts changes in the nervous system before making muscles.在肌肉形成之前,重量训练会促进神经系统的改变。
Scientists have known for some time that these early increases in strength must involve changes in the connections between the brain and muscles. The process appears to involve particular bundles of neurons and nerve fibers that carry commands from the brain’s motor cortex, which controls muscular contractions, to the spinal cord and, from there, to the muscles. If those commands become swifter and more forceful, the muscles on the receiving end should respond with mightier contractions. Functionally, they would be stronger.
neuron: 神经元
nerve fiber: 神经纤维
motor cortex: 运动皮质
spinal cord: 脊髓
科学家们早就知道,早期力量的增强必然与大脑和肌肉之间的联系发生变化有关。这一过程似乎涉及到一组特殊的神经元和神经纤维,它们将控制肌肉收缩的大脑运动皮层的指令传递到脊髓,然后再从那里传递到肌肉。如果这些指令变得更快更有力,接收端的肌肉就会做出更有力的反应。从功能上讲,它们会更强大。But the mechanics of these nervous system changes have been unclear. Understanding the mechanics better could also have clinical applications: If scientists and doctors were to better understand how the nervous system changes during resistance training, they might be better able to help people who lose strength or muscular control after a stroke, for example, or as a result of aging or for other reasons.但这些神经系统变化的机制尚不清楚,更好地理解力学机制也可以用于临床:如果科学家和医生更好地了解神经系统在抗阻训练期间的变化,他们可能能更好地帮助那些在中风、衰老或因其他原因失去力量或肌肉控制的人。So, for the new study, which was published in June in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers with the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University in England decided to teach two female macaque monkeys to lift weights, and the researchers watched what happened to their nerves.