The departure of the VW boss heralds a big shake-up

Apr 12th 2018

MOST chief executives relish a jump in their company’s share price. But spare a thought for Volkswagen’s Matthias Müller as he watched the gauge of value leap by 4.5% on April 10th. That was galling because investors were responding to rumours, in effect promptly confirmed by VW’s board, that he was to depart this week after less than three years as head of one of the world’s top three carmakers.

大多数首席执行官都盼望他们公司股价大涨。但想到大众汽车(Volkswagen)的马提亚·穆勒(Matthias Muller),当他在4月10日看到股价暴增4.5%时,会感到难堪,因为这是投资者对他将在本周离开大众的传言的回应,他作为世界三家最大的汽车制造商之一的头儿还不到三年的时间。这一消息立即得到了大众董事会的证实。

The pensive Mr Müller, 64, rarely had the air of a man enjoying the limelight. His contract ran until 2020, but he had become increasingly frustrated at internal opposition to his efforts to change the way the company was run in the aftermath of “dieselgate”, a crisis sparked by VW’s rigging of car-emissions tests. To an outsider, changes such as more decentralisation and the sale of peripheral businesses hardly seemed controversial. But they were too much for some. He may be happy to go; the board referred to his “general willingness” to accept the pending management shake-up.


The supervisory board’s motivations are mixed. One is that a new face could help VW move on from dieselgate. Mr Müller, a long-serving insider, was installed in September 2015 to handle the furore. In the aftermath he faced a slump in sales of diesel cars, the jailing of staff in America and a bill of some $30bn (made up of fines and the cost of buying back vehicles from aggrieved consumers).


Mr Müller handled a difficult job competently. VW today is back to roughly the same financial shape it was in just before the scandal broke in mid-2015, with a market capitalisation of some €85bn ($105bn). Its share price has outperformed those of its peers. Last year it doubled profits and sold a record 10.7m vehicles.


