截止2021年,RCA英国皇家艺术学院已经连续6年在QS艺术榜单上排名第一,室内设计Interior Design (MA)作为皇艺王牌学科之一,也一直名列前茅。在RCA皇艺的教学过程中,学校把室内设计研究方向分为了8个Platforms,并且通过方法论的指导,教授学生进行设计创作。Platforms包含如下8个方向:
1. Interior Behaviours
2. Interior Detail
3. Interior Display
4. Interior Futures
5. Interior Matter
6. Nonterior
7. Interior Reuse
8. Interior Urbanism
RCA英国皇家艺术学院/Interior Design (MA)RCA英国皇家艺术学院/Interior Design (MA)RCA英国皇家艺术学院/Interior Design (MA)
-We visited Romancetown-
Yanyun Yang
RCA英国皇家艺术学院/Interior Design (MA)
Nonterior/Interior Reuse方向3月20日 星期六 20:00-21:00(GMT8+)Interior Detail/Behaviours方向3月21日 星期日 20:00-21:00(GMT8+)
Nonterior sees the designer as a narrator, who engages with the eclectic, multi-layered experience of the contemporary world and who works this, in a multiplicity of ways, into the realm of design. This platform will push the testing of ideas on a real site, in a real context, with real communities, stakeholders, external institutions and businesses. We investigate our site/s by creating large drawings and models that investigate social, political and cultural narratives; we will then produce well-developed design propositions that respond creatively to these new stories. You will develop these proposals through an iterative design process and when possible, build and test them. Outcomes might be an interior or installation, exhibition, event, product or visitor experience. As we will be engaging with real clients, we will adopt professional methods and working practices, seeing this as the opportunity to start your own real-life studio practice.
项目围绕LAT--Living Apart Together这种新型的生活方式展开,这种关系会带来比如缺乏亲密感、缺乏交流以及对经济状况的负面影响等风险。尤其是对年轻一代来说,他们中的很大一部分人面临着维持恋爱关系和经济问题的两难境地。该设计方案通过创建一个独特的酒店来回应这些问题,它可以让人们自由地去体验空间。该方案基于Berwick Street的现有住宅改造而成的,与当地开发商合作,旨在测试在伦敦创建一个以LAT为受众的社区的潜力。基于对个人生活环境和亲密感之间的平衡需求的理解,该项目探索了一种空间策略,允许住户将酒店配置为27种不同的空间选择,当人们想要在一起;想要独立的生活;想要偶尔的亲密时,这些空间选择都可以迎合人们不同的需求。该项目旨在探索室内空间如何干预和影响人与人之间的亲密,同时也开启了Social at Home的新的生活方式。
Interior Detail
This platform provides participants with an opportunity to establish the identity of interior spaces by developing proposals in detail. The platform considers form, colour, light, material, texture, pattern, finish and structure as key to makinginteriors that are intelligent, beautifully crafted and, above all, respond to site context whilst creating spaces that are appropriate and useful for their users. Where appropriate the platform makes connections with practice, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, products and furniture. Projects undertaken in the platform are small scale and focused providing an opportunity to resolve an interior design proposal at scales from 1:20 through to full size. Exploratory model making and prototyping at large scales with real materials are key to this work.
Interior Reuse
This platform is concerned with the exploration and adaptation of matter that can be considered redundant or obsolete: material that has lost its value, resources that are considered waste, stuff that is considered expendable has been discarded and is considered surplus. These processes of depredation may have been enacted through economic, value-based processes, or by extraordinary one-off means. All situations have in common the proposition that an obsolete environment or element, is not only a site of depredation, it is a condition for mediation, and the site of the enactment of research and design processes that will ensure that meaningful change through reuse will take place. Re:USE participants are obsessed with the unwanted and disused, they are fascinated with determining new life in objects and spaces that are often considered to be spoil.
Interior Behaviours
This platform is concerned with the way that DESIGN influences our BEHAVIOUR and conversely the way that our behaviour influences design. Observation and analysis of people and the behaviour in their surroundings form the starting point where students asked the question ….”What if?” in order to make innovative connections. This parallel universe is where projects started, ideas and concepts come first and are the drivers for their thesis projects. Alternative thinking and approaches have been key to the more successful elements in their projects.
在这个时间匮乏的社会,人们寻求便捷的现代方法来寻找爱情,这模糊了约会的每个阶段,让约会变得越来越不浪漫。在这个项目中,设计师探索了2020年关于Romance的定义,专注于Romance可以自然发生的时刻。我把约会的过程分为八个不同的阶段:Encounter——Meeting——First date——First kiss——First sex——Break up——Negotiating和Marriage。每一个故事都发生在一个特定的地方,讲述一些关于特定人群的故事。
Nonterior/Interior Reuse方向3月20日 星期六 20:00-21:00(GMT8+)Interior Detail/Behaviours方向3月21日 星期日 20:00-21:00(GMT8+)
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