外贸该如何开发客户 How to find the customers for Foreign Trade Business

How to find customers for Foreign Trade Business


现在有个很常见的问题,大家都在谈论B2B付费平台,展会(国内外),海关数据等等,却很少有人会去提一个及其简单快速的方式, 我管他叫做“自主开发”


There's a very common problem now that everybody is talking about paid B2B platforms, Exhibitions ( Domestic Exhibitions and International Ones), Customs Data, etc.

However, seldom will anyone talk about developing business in a quite simple and fast way.  I call it "Active Development"

So I think you may need fresh your ideas of developing business.

很多老板听到别人讨论外贸,就会想到阿里巴巴,中国制造等等大型的B2B平台,当然,他们也只能想到这些。 因为很多企业都是从国内的中小型内贸工厂发展起来的,在过去的几年里,完全是在经营内贸生意。如果他们自身没有人才或者没有雇用人才,自己也是需要很长一段时间来适应外贸环境的。

Many bosses will talk about large B2B platforms, such as Alibaba, Made-in-China, Global Sources, etc, And of course, that will be the only thing they can think of.

Coz many of the companies are developed from small and medium factories which were completely dealing with domestic business in the past few years.

If they don't have or hire a fucking genius, it will cost a quite long time for them to adapt to the foreign trade environment.



We went to a local fabric factory before, sourcing fabrics for mattress making for an Australian customer,  whose company is very strong in Perth, Australia.

But when the factory guys heard " Foreign Trade", they said we are cheaters,

" Foreign Trade" is a cheating way.

So, you know, we had to leave.



So boss led me to many factories there and finally we confirmed cooperation with one who was full of passion, willing to provide us with fabric swatches and related materials.

I don't care whether they are trading or directly from the fabric factory. I chose them because of their passion and good products. I didn't pay all my attention to the price. I would choose them as our supplier even if their price is a little higher than others'.

I think most buyers will take all of these factors into consideration when they make the final decision.

Now we have cooperated on many orders.


Of course, I am not talking that B2B is bad. What I am saying is, we can't put all hope on the B2B platforms. Instead, we should develop our business with multi ways.

那么,有人会说,自主开发就是谷歌呗。 不, 你错啦, 老铁。

Someone may say

" Active Development" is searching by google.

Nope, you are wrong, Bro!

我说的是多渠道,SEO, SNS, 谷歌,B2B平台, 展会,海关数据,等等,这些,都可以加以利用,如果能力所及,那就开始吧。

What I am telling is multi ways.

SEO, SNS,  Google, B2B Platforms, Exhibitions, Customs Data, etc, all of these should be our ways of developing business.

If any of these above-mentioned ways are within your reach, go get it.

那么,作为一个业务员,我们是否应该去尝试上面所述的一切方法? 不是,我说了,做你力所能及的,如果你时间还不够打理你的B2B平台或者回复客户,跟进客户,那么你如何去做SEO,SNS 这些呢?

So, as a salesman, should we go for all the ways mentioned above?

The answer is NO!!!

As I said, just do the things within your reach. If you don't know how to do SEO, SNS, or have no extra time to do them, then drop it. Your time may be limited, not even enough for replying emails and make follow-ups.

Then how could you be able to do other things like SEO, SNS?


Nowadays, many people learned some paid lessons and got lost in website building. They even drop customers development, saving time to learn it.

Think about it, is it worthy of that?

就算让你建成网站,你不去做SEO, SNS, 内容营销这些,又有何意义呢? 


Suppose the website was ready now, if you don't know how to do or have no time to do SEO, SNS, or content marketing continually, will this be meaningful?

The website will not develop on its own.

当然,如果你有足够的时间,也有能力做维护,那么尽管去做。 因为做一个好网站,对于企业发展,的确很重要。

Of course, if you have enough time and ability to maintain it, then just do it.

Coz a good website is indeed very important for business development.

那么,"自主开发” 具体该如何操作?

So, how to do " Active Development"?


As mentioned above, develop business with multi ways for more potential customers. Don't depend on any single way of that.

那么, 他们之间有何联系?

So, any relationships among them?

想象一下你的目的是什么? 如何达成这个目的?

Think about it, what is your purpose? And how can you achieve it?

我们的目的就是联系上这家公司并取得订单。 嗯,这个回答没毛病。 但是,但可是,可但是,联系上这家公司真的很容易么? 得找到正确的人对吧?!

Our target is to get in touch with this company and get their orders.

Right, this answer is no problem.

But, will it be very easy for you to get in touch with them?

We need to find the right guy, right?

找到正确的人就能拿下订单么? 得提供价值,引起他们的兴趣,对吧?!

So can we really get orders from them if we get in touch with the right guys?

We've got to provide them with value and attract their interests, right?


So who are the right guys we need go contact?

Purchaser/Buyer/Merchandise/Procurement/Product Manager/Foreign Trade Manger/Import Manager/Export Manager/Import Assistant/CEO/Boss

All possible!!!

It depends. As the companies differ in size and characteristics.


What can we do to get to know this company?


Check their Product Range and Company Introduction on their website, and check the people or enterprise ( You may dig out a group) of the registration with Whois.

了解了公司的情况和产品范围是为了针对性推荐产品,调整报价。观察whois  信息是为了判断联系的方向是否单一。

Checking the company introduction and product range will help you recommend the right products and generate your offer in the right way.

Check their Whois info will help you judge whether your contact direction is limited.

那么海关数据做啥用? 观察目标公司的采购产品,采购周期,采购能力,采购源等等。

So what can we do with Customs Data?

Check much information of the target company, such as Purchasing Items, Purchasing Cycle, Purchasing Capabilities, Purchasing Sources, etc.


So how to find the right guys we need get in touch with?


Use Google, Linkedin, Facebook, and other SNS to get your targets locked.



Some freshmen may say " I'm still confused. "

No worries, just think about the above-mentioned details and try it.

If you still feel confused, tell me, and I will share a whole process of " Active Development"




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