雅思口语 hometown高分回答示范

1 Does your family still live there?

Yeah, it's my ancestral home. My whole clan lives there! My grandparents, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces...It's been our home for generations. 是的,那是我的祖籍,我们整个家族世世代代都住在那。包括我的祖父母,叔伯,堂兄弟,侄子,侄女什么的。


I suppose we're quite a close-knit family. My parents were initially kind of against me moving away from home, but there are more opportunities for me in this city. 我认为我的家庭关系很融洽。起初,我的父母有点反对我离开家乡,但在这个城市,我的发展机会更多些。

2 What is famous in your hometown?

或者:Is there anything famous in your hometown?

或者:What would you recommend in your hometown?

There are attractions galore in my hometown! I think ....is a particular must-see, as it's synonymous with the culture and history of my birthplace. 我的家乡有很多迷人的景点。我认为特别是...绝对不容错过。因为它代表了那里的文化和历史。


There are countless must-see attractions that I'd suggest they visit. Firstly...在我的家乡可看的景点比比皆是,首先是。。。


How could your hometown be famous?

I think our leaders need to put a spotlight on our unique attractions. If people were aware of the wealth of places to see and visit, I'm sure our tourist numbers would increase.我觉得我们的领导应该把焦点放在一些具有特色的景点上。如果人们能意识到依靠旅游也能带来财富的话,我相信我们的游客数量一定会有所增加。

3 Would you say it's a good place to grow up? (or live in etc.) 

(would you say=do you think)

I'd have to say yes. To tell the truth my hometown hasn't changed much since I was a kid. Although the infrastructure has developed, most of the places I remember from my childhood are unsullied and pristine. 我不得不说的是,事实上从我小时候到现在,虽然基础设施在不断完善,但我的家乡一直变化不大,多数地方还跟儿时记忆里的一样,都是原生态的,并未受到污染!

4 What is the history of your hometown?

My hometown has kind of a checkered history. It was conquered by Genghis Khan in the 13th Century and there were several epidemics during the last two hundred years, but in recent times the economy has developed substantially and tourism has boomed due to the wealth of historical landmarks.

我的家乡有段比较曲折的历史。 13世纪时,它被成吉思汗攻克并占领。在过去的200年里也有一些流行病在那里蔓延。但近年来,我的家乡发展很快。由于拥有大量的历史古迹遗产,旅游业也在迅速发展。


My hometown isn't so well-known, but legend has it that Confucius lived there briefly around 500 B.C. 我的家乡不是很出名,但是传说在公园500年左右,孔子曾经在那里小住过。


I’m from Nanyang. Legend has it that a man called Song Dingbo caught a ghost there. 我来自南阳,据说宋定伯在那里捉过鬼。

5 How has your hometown changed?

It's changed significantly. In the past there never used to be large shopping malls, multiplexes, sports stadiums and so on. Most people used to shop at small grocery stores or go to the local cinema. But--you know what they say--out with the old, in with the new! 我的家乡变化很大!以前根本没有大型购物中心、数码影院、体育馆等便民设施。人们都是去杂货店买东西或者去当地的电影院看电影。不过,俗话说的好,旧的不去新的不来。

6 How could your hometown be improved?

I think the government should allocate more finances on improving the transportation infrastructure. They need to breathe new life into the old system. 我认为政府应该在交通运输基础建设方面拨出更多经费,以提高交通运输能力,给予交通运输体系新的生命力。

7 What kind of transport do people use there?

Although many people use public transportation such as the subway and trams which are eco-friendly, too many people drive gas-guzzler which emit exhaust fumes, leading to the greenhouse effect. 虽然很多人选择公共交通,像是比较环保的地铁,公交车之类的,也有很大部分人选择乘坐油老虎,这类车向空气中排放了大量的导致温室气体的废气。

