雅思口语 part3如何准备才行
part2,3 过渡性的问题长啥样?
part2和part3之间常常有一些过渡问题。如part2是关于电影的,考官会问:Do you often watch movies? 你常常看电影嘛?
part3 主题是考什么呢?
1 part2 是关于电影的,那part3 大部分就是关于media, violence, censorship 审查
2 part2 是关于sport运动的,那么part3大部分就是关于celebrity endorsements名人代言, competition 竞赛...
3 part2 是关于building建筑,那么part3大部分是关于historical places 名胜古迹保护,environment 环境,Chinese and western design 中西设计风格比较
part3 题型考什么呢?
1 How has sth, changed?
2 How do you think sth. will change in the future?
3 Are there any problems?
4 Are there any solutions?
5 Are there any advantages?
6 Are there any disadvantages ?
7 Campare A and B?
(过去现在,男女,老少,中国外国, 中国北方和南方)
8 How can sb. do sth.?
9 Should sb. do sth.?
10 Why do people like ?
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