标题:Local Implicit Grid Representations for 3D Scenes
作者:Chiyu “Max” Jiang1,2 Avneesh Sud
从点云数据中学习的形状先验知识,通常应用在从局部或带有噪声的点云数据的三维重建。然而,由于典型的三维自动编码器无法处理其规模、复杂性或多样性,因此室内场景中没有这样的形状预测器。在本文中,我们引入了局部隐式网格(Local Implicit Grid)表示,这是一种新的三维形状表示,旨在实现可扩展性和通用性。大多数三维曲面在某种尺度上共享几何细节,本文训练一个自动编码器来学习如何嵌入这种大小的三维点云形状。然后,我们使用解码器作为形状优化中的一个组件,该形状优化解决了重叠作物的规则网格上的一组潜在代码,使得解码的局部形状的插值匹配部分或噪声观测。并证明了该方法在稀疏点观测三维曲面重建中的价值,实验证明该方法明显优于其他方法。
提出了局部隐式网格( Local Implicit Grid LIG)表示,一种由重叠部分大小的局部区域组成的规则网格,每个区域都用隐式特征向量编码。
Shape priors learned from data are commonly used to reconstruct 3D objects from partial or noisy data. Yet no such shape priors are available for indoor scenes, since typical 3D autoencoders cannot handle their scale, complexity, or diversity. In this paper, we introduce Local Implicit Grid Representations, a new 3D shape representation designed for scalability and generality. The motivating idea is that most 3D surfaces share geometric details at some scale – i.e., at a scale smaller than an entire object and larger than a small patch. We train an autoencoder to learn an embedding of local crops of 3D shapes at that size. Then, we use the decoder as a component in a shape optimization that solves for a set of latent codes on a regular grid of overlapping crops such that an interpolation of the decoded local shapes matches a partial or noisy observation. We demonstrate the value of this proposed approach for 3D surface reconstruction from sparse point observations, showing significantly better results than alternative approaches.