语法每日一学 | because, as, since的区别


I'm tired because I didn't sleep very well.因为我没有睡好,所以我很累。

Because my bed is uncomfortable, I'm getting a bad back.


Because it is an area of outstanding natural beauty, the number of boats available for hire on the river is limited. 这是一个自然风景极美的地方,所以河上可供租用的船只数量有限。


I hope Tom's brought that comic as I wanted to borrow it from him.我希望Tom把那本漫画书带来,因为我想要向他借那本书。

She may need some help as she's new. 她是新来的,可能需要一些帮助。

Noodles are popular since they're easy to cook.面条很受欢迎,因为它们容易煮。

I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.  我一直在节食,因为我的体重很容易增加。

