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Isolated tears of the MCL, i.e. where the knee is stable in full extension, usually heal well enough to permit near-normal function. Operative repair is unnecessary. A long cast-brace is worn for 6 weeks and thereafter graded exercises are encouraged.
Isolated tears of the LCL are rare. If the diagnosis is certain, these can be treated conservatively as for MCL tears. If the fibular styloid is avulsed, the injury is probably more severe and involves part of the posterolateral capsule and arcuate complex. Examination for posterolateral instability should be done and, if confirmed, these injuries may benefit from repair. In contrast, a fibular head fracture indicates an avulsion of the LCL as a solitary injury.
Isolated tears of the ACL should, in theory, be treated by early operative reconstruction. Indeed, such are the pressures on professional sportspersons that this is often demanded. Operation may also be indicated for non-professionals if the tibial spine is avulsed; the bone fragment, with the attached ACL, is replaced and fixed under arthroscopic control and the knee is braced for 6 weeks. In all other cases it is more prudent to follow the conservative regime described earlier; the cast-brace is worn only until symptoms subside and thereafter movement and musclestrengthening exercises are encouraged. About half of these patients regain sufficiently good function not to need further treatment. The remainder complain of varying degrees of instability; late assessment will identify those who are likely to benefit from ligament reconstruction.
Isolated tears of the PCL are treated conservatively. Most patients end up with little or no loss of function. However, some experience instability whilst walking up stairs and are sufficiently disabled to warrant late reconstruction.
Combined injuries may result in significant loss of function. With concurrent ACL and collateral ligament injury, reconstruction of the ACL often obviates the need for collateral ligament treatment; however, early operation carries the risk of postoperative joint fibrosis, so it is wiser to start treatment with joint support and physiotherapy in order to restore a good range of movement before following on with ACL reconstruction. A similar approach is adopted for combined injuries involving the PCL, but here all damaged structures will need to be repaired.
---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》
styloid /ˈstaɪˌlɔɪd/n. 茎突;茎状突
avulse /əˈvʌls/v. 抽出;撕裂,撕脱
arcuate complex弓形复合体
arcuate /'ɑrkjʊɪt/adj. 弓形的,弯曲的
tibial spine胫骨棘;髁间脊(棘)
prudent /ˈpruːdnt/adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的
regime /reɪˈʒiːm/n. 政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制
subside /səbˈsaɪd/vi. 平息;减弱;沉淀;坐下
The remainder complain of varying degrees of instability;其余的则抱怨不同程度的不稳定;
some experience instability whilst walking up stairs and are sufficiently disabled to warrant late reconstruction.有些人在爬楼梯时经历了不稳定,并且严重残疾,需要后期重建。
sufficiently /səˈfɪʃntli/adv. 充分地;足够地
warrant/ˈwɔːrənt/n. 根据;证明;正当理由;委任状vt. 保证;担保;批准;辩解
concurrent /kənˈkɜːrənt/adj. 并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的n. [数] 共点;同时发生的事件
obviate /ˈɑːbvieɪt/vt. 排除;避免;消除
similar /ˈsɪmələr/adj. 相似的n. 类似物