


1. The children _____ (play) outside now.

2. She usually _____ (read) the newspaper in the morning.

3. I _____ (do) my homework now.

4. _____ (you / want) to come with me?

5. I _____ (not / like) spaghetti.

6. He _____ (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.

7. The baby _____(sleep) now.

8. My mother usually _____ (cook) dinner in the evening.

9. Mary _____ (listen) to music now.

10. We _____ (go) to the disco tonight.

11. _____ (he / go) to work by bus everyday?

12. What time _____ (you / get up) in the morning?

13. How often _____ (your brother / take) a shower?

14. Where _____ (you / work) at present?

15. Listen! somebody _____.


1. Let's go out. It _____ (not/rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at languages. She _____ (speak) four languages very well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody _____ (wait) for you.

4. _____ (you/listen) to the radio? No, you can turn it off.

5. _____ (you/listen) to the radio every day? No, just occasionally.

6. The River Nile _____ (flow) into the Mediterranean.

7. Look at the river. It _____ (flow) very fast today - much faster than usual.

8. We usually _____ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we

_____ (not/grow) any.

9. How is your English? Not bad. It _____ (improve) slowly.

10. Ron is in London at the moment. He _____ (stay) at the Park Hotel. He _____ (always/stay) there when he's in London.

11. Can we stop walking soon? I _____ (start) to feel tired.

12. Can you drive? I _____ (learn). My father _____ (teach) me.

13. Normally I _____ (finish) work at 5.00, but this week I _____ (work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

14. My parents _____ (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where _____ (your parents/live)?

15. Sonia _____ (look) for a place to live. She _____ (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.











wear1. When children become teenagers, they _____ more time with their friends.

2. Rick admires those girls who _____ red dresses.

3. I agree that Jane is a good person to be with, but she _____ to be aggressive now and again.

4. Mary _____ going to parties and she herself often gives one as well.

5. The kids _____ along well with each other now, but they may start to quarrel anytime.

6. Susan _____ waiting, so don't keep her waiting no matter what the reason is.

7. What I really like about Mellisa is that she _____ amazing cakes.

8. Tracy has just been to the hairdresser's, but her hair _____ as if it hasn't been done.

9. I don't know what or who she _____ at. I don't think there is anything funny.

四、用表中所给的词的正确形式填空(x2 代表可以用两次)

Do (x2)















1. My father _____ as an architect. At the moment he _____ a living room.

2. Anna and I _____ (not often) the bus to school but today we _____ to arrive early.

3. Look! Peter _____ the dishes although he _____ doing daily chores .

4. My sister has a very important exam, so she _____ hard these days.

5. Sandra _____ a jacket today in case it rains.

6. Banks _____ at 9am and _____ at 7pm but holiday schedules _____ different.

7. Tina isn’t at home at the moment. She _____ a walk with her mother.

8. Sophie and Kate _____ three times a week because they _____ exercising.

9. My brother always _____ his homework after dinner but today he _____ it earlier.


1. It usually _____ (doesn't rain, is rainning) in this time of the year, yet it _____ (is raining, rains) right now.

2. My father _____ (works, is working) as a teacher. He _____ (teaches, is teaching) English.3. Jane often _____ (plays, is playing) basketball after school, but he _____ (doesn't want, isn't wanting) to play today.4. I _____ (am drinking, drink) coffee right now, but I actually _____ (prefer, am prefering) tea.5. Every day I _____ (am driving, drive) to work. It _____ (takes, is taking) half an hour.6. The children _____ (are sleeping, sleep) in their bedrooms at present. They usually _____ (take, are taking) a nap at around this time.7. I still _____ (have, am having) a pain in my arm, but it _____ (is getting, gets) better.8. I almost always _____ (am travelling) by car when I _____ (am going, go) on a vacation.9. Our neighbors aren't French. I _____ (am believing, believe) they _____ (are coming, come) from Belgium.10. Every afternoon, my son _____ (is having, has) lunch in the school cafeteria and he _____ (reads, is reading) a book in the backyard.六、答案、参考翻译及解析


1. are playing


解析:看到时间副词 now 的第一反应就是用现在进行时,表示暂时的动作。

2. reads


解析:看到频度副词 usually 的第一反应是用一般现在时,类似的频度副词还有 always,normally,often,sometimes,occasionally / infrequently / seldom,rarely / hardly ever 和 never.

3. am doing



4. Do you want


解析:want 通常不用于进行时。



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