初中英语:七年级上册重点短语 句型总结!

1. Good morning! 早上好!
2. Good afternoon! 下午好!
3. Good evening! 晚上好!
4. —How are you?
—I'm fine, thanks. / I m OK.
——我很好,谢谢。 / 我还不错。
5. —What's this / that in English?
—It's a / an ...
——这个 / 那个用英语怎么说?
6. Spell it, please. 请拼写它。
7. —What color is it?
—It's ...
Unit 1
Section A
1. I'm ... 我是……
2. Are you ...? 你是……吗?
3. He / She is ... 他 / 她是……
4.—Nice to meet you.
—Nice to meet you, too.
5. —What's your / his / her name?
—My / His / Her name is ...
——你 / 他 / 她叫什么名字?
——我 / 他 / 她叫……
Section B
1. first name 名字
2. last name 姓
3. in China 在中国
4. ID card 学生卡
5. Is this your number?
6. —What's your telephone / phone number?
—It's ...
Unit 2
Section A
1. family photos 家庭照片
2. This is / That is / These are / Those are ...
这是 / 那是 / 这些是 / 那些是……
3. Who's she / he? 她 / 他是谁?
4. Who are they? 他们是谁?
5. Have a good day! 祝你过得愉快!
6. I see. 我知道了。
Section B
1. two nice photos of ...两张……的漂亮照片
2. in the first photo 在第一张照片里
3.in the next picture 在下一张照片 / 图片里
4. in my family 在我的家庭里
5. a photo of my family 我家的一张全家福
6. Here is / are ...这是……;这(儿)有……
7. ... is the name of ...……是……的名字
Unit 3
Section A
1. excuse me 劳驾;请原谅
2. pencil box 文具盒;铅笔盒
3. thank you 谢谢你
4. thank sb. for sth. 因为……而感谢某人
5. It's mine. 它是我的。
6. They're his / hers. 它们是他 / 她的。
7. What about ...? ……怎么样 / 如何 / 好吗?
8. You're welcome. 别客气。
9.—Is this / that your ...?
—Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
——这是 / 那是你的……吗?
——是的,它是。/ 不,它不是。
10. —Are these your ...?
—No, they aren't.
Section B
1. ID card 学生卡;身份证
2. computer game 电脑玩具;电脑游戏
3. in the school library 在学校图书馆
4. ask ... for ... 请求;恳求(给予)
5. e-mail sb. at+邮箱地址  给某人发电子邮件到……
6. phone number 电话号码
7. call sb. 给某人打电话
8. call sb. at +电话号码  拨打电话号码……找某人
9. a set of 一组;一套;一副
10. How do you spell it? 你如何拼写它?
Unit 4
Section A
1. in one's schoolbag  在某人的书包里
2. on / under one's bed  在某人的床上 / 下
3. pencil box 铅笔盒;文具盒
4. on / under the sofa / table / chair / desk 在沙发 / 桌子 / 椅子 / 书桌上 / 下
5. in one's room 在某人的房间里
6. come on 快点儿
7. I think ... 我认为……
8. I don't know. 我不知道。
9. —Where is / are ...?
—It's / They're ...
——它 / 它们在……
10. —Are ... on / under / in ...?
—Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
——……在……上 / 下 / 里吗?
——是,它们在。/ 不,它们不在。
Section B
1. tape player 磁带播放机
2. model plane 飞机模型
3. English books 英语书
4. in the bookcase 在书柜里
5. on the teacher's desk 在讲桌上
Unit 5
Section A
1. baseball bat 棒球球棒
2. be late 迟到
3. in the bag 在包里
4. play basketball 打篮球
5. on the chair 在椅子上
6. Let's go. 让我们走吧。
7. Let me get it. 让我去拿它吧。
8. Let's play. 让我们玩吧。
9. That sounds ... 听起来……
10.—Does he / she have ...?
—Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesn't.
——他 / 她有……吗?
——是的,他 / 她有。 / 不,他 / 她没有。
11. —Do you have ...?
—Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
——是的,我有。 / 不,我没有。
Section B
1. play volleyball 打排球
2. play computer games 玩电脑游戏
3. watch ... on TV 在电视上看……
4. at school 在学校
5. play sports 做运动
6. play sth. with sb. 和某人一起玩某物
7. ... be easy / difficult for sb. ……对某人而言简单 / 困难
8. after class 课后
9. in the same school 在同一所学校
Unit 6
Section A
1. birthday dinner   生日宴会
2. next week   下周
3. think about   思考;思索
4. vegetable salad   蔬菜沙拉
5. Sounds good.  听起来不错。
6. You're right.  你是对的。
7. Let's get ...   让我们拿……
8. Let's have ... then.   那么,让我们吃……吧。
9. How / What about ...?  ……怎么样?
10. —Do you like ...?
—Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
——是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。
Section B
1. sports star   体育明星
2. eating habits   饮食习惯
3. ask sb. about sth.  问某人关于某事的情况
4. for breakfast / lunch / dinner  作为早 / 午 / 晚餐
5. one last question  最后一个问题
6. want to be ...  想要成为……;想要变得……
7. after dinner   晚餐后
Unit 7
Section A
1. two dollars for one pair 两美元一双
2. that brown sweater 那件棕色的毛衣
3. those black trousers 那些黑色的裤子
4. How much is / are ...? (购物时) ……多少钱?
5. Can I help you? (购物时)您想买点儿什么吗?
6. I need ... for school. 我需要为上学买……
7. What color do you want? 您想要什么颜色?
8. How about ... ? ……怎么样?
9. I'll take it. 我买下了。
10. Here you are. 给你。
Section B
1. clothes store 服装店
2. at our great / big sale 在我们大促销时
3. sell ... at very good prices 以非常优惠的价格出售……
4. for boys / girls 对于男孩 / 女孩
5. skirts in purple 紫色的裙子
6. a pair of 一双
7. Do you sell ... ? 你卖……吗?
8. Come and buy ... ! 快来买……吧!
Unit 8
Section A
1. want to do sth. 想要做某事
2. come to my birthday party 来参加我的生日派对
3. See you! 再见!
4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
5. How old are you? 你多大了?
6. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?
Section B
1. English test 英语测验
2. school trip 学校旅行(学校组织的外出游览活动)
3. School Day 学校开放日
4. English / Sports Day 英语 / 体育节
5. art festival 艺术节
6. book sale 图书展销会
7. this term 本学期
8. next month 下个月
9. school library 学校图书馆
10. Have a good time! (表示祝愿)过得愉快!
11. See you there! 在那儿见!
Unit 9
Section A
1. favorite subject 最喜欢的学科
2. play games with sb. 和某人玩游戏
3. the next day 第二天;接下来的那一天
4. on Monday 在星期一
5. Why do you like P.E.? 你为什么喜欢体育课?
6. How's your day? 今天过得如何?
7. Who's your P.E. teacher? 谁是你的体育老师?
8. That's for sure. 的确如此。
Section B
1. at 8:00 在八点
2. have math 上数学课
3. after that 在那之后
4. from ... to ... 从……到……
5. have an art lesson for two hours 上两个小时的美术课
6. on Friday afternoon 在星期五下午
7. sb. is great fun.  ……是个很有趣的人。
8. When is the class? 什么时候上这节课?
9. It's difficult but interesting. 它难但有趣。
10. It is really relaxing! 它非常令人放松!
11. Is that OK with you?  那对你来说合适吗?
12. Thank you for your e-mail. 感谢你的电子邮件。
13. Let's meet at ... 让我们在……见面吧。
