

Bolefel kindergarten is a private high-end kindergarten with independent property rights, which officially opened in September 2020. Located in the East flood control canal city park, No.21 Jinxu Road, Weicheng District, Xianyang City, it covers an area of about 17 mu, with a total construction area of more than 7200 square meters and a total investment of about 50 million yuan. At present, it is a high-end kindergarten with the largest floor area and design scale in Xianyang city. The building structure and layout are fully implemented according to the provincial demonstration standards. The park is equipped with swimming pool, cinema, music stage, children's kitchen, carpentry workshop and other special facilities. After the opening of the kindergarten, it can accommodate more than 720 children and more than 120 teaching and administrative staff to carry out care, education and care activities.

户外活动场地:设有幼儿戏水池、玩沙池、塑胶跑道、饲养角、大型游乐设施等,促进幼儿体能发展的各类体育设施,为满足幼儿的生 活、成长、发展的需要,还设置了植物角、种植园地等。

Outdoor activity venues: there are various sports facilities such as children's play pool, sand pool, plastic track, feeding corner, large amusement facilities, etc. to promote children's physical development. In order to meet the needs of children's life, growth and development, plant corners and planting fields are also set up.

门卫室造型结合了主建筑外 立面简洁大气的现代风格形 式,并设置了对外开放的滑 梯、沙池设施,增加了趣味 性,吸引孩子的目光和好奇 心。

The shape of the guard room combines the modern style of simple and atmospheric facade of the main building, and the facilities of slide and sand pool open to the outside world are set up to increase the interest and attract children's eyes and curiosity.


Revolving tree house


Ribbon climbing net


Play pool


Terrain game area

组合树屋 ;相信每个孩子都向往过树屋 里的小生活,近距离大和大 自然接触,有这一块自由的 空间,带给孩子们无限遐想 的乐趣,树屋里藏着他们的 小秘密,还有树叶的遮荫, 鸟儿的歌唱,以及夜晚的闪 闪发光的星空,这一切都是 那么的美妙,令赋予想象的 孩子向往!

It is believed that every child yearns for a small life in the treehouse. Close contact with the nature provides a free space for children to have unlimited reverie fun. There are their secrets hidden in the treehouse, as well as the shade of leaves, the singing of birds, and the twinkling stars at night. All these are so wonderful and imaginative Children yearn for!

室外木工坊 ;室外木工坊的造型提取了陕 北窑洞的方式,设计了三个 窑洞空间作为室外木工坊, 外立面统一使用文化石装饰 ,圆形门窗采用木质构件, 顶部起伏的表面铺设草皮, 顶部开洞留窗,满足采光的 同时又增强了内外的互动性 ,并且结合地形游戏。

Outdoor woodworking workshop: the modeling of outdoor woodworking workshop is based on the cave style in Northern Shaanxi. Three cave dwelling spaces are designed as outdoor woodworking workshops. The facade is decorated with cultural stone. The round doors and s are made of wooden components. The undulating surface of the top is paved with turf, and the top is opened with s to meet the lighting requirements. At the same time, the interaction between the inside and outside is enhanced, and the terrain game is combined.


Planting area


Breeding area


Shade rest area


Park parking

中庭活动区 ;建筑中庭面积将近1000平米 ,围绕中庭侧边设计了滑梯 、沙池、异形树桌、40平米 固定舞台,中间部分留有开 阔的集散空间,用于集会、 演出、日常活动等。

Atrium activity area: the building atrium covers an area of nearly 1000 square meters. Around the side of the atrium, slide, sand pool, special-shaped tree table and 40 square meter fixed stage are designed. In the middle part, there is an open distribution space for assembly, performance and daily activities.


First floor aisle


Waiting area for parents


Reception hall on the first floor


Kitchenette on the first floor


Swimming center on the first floor


Book reading area on the second floor


Sinology room on the second floor


Art and ceramics room on the second floor


Game area on the second floor


Children's cinema on the third floor


Multi function hall of complex building


Scientific discovery room on the third floor



多元课程 ,全面启智。




The administrative staff of kindergartens are composed of chief director, education supervisor, executive director, deputy director, nursing and education director, logistics director, office director, publicity team, etc. To be fully responsible for and preside over the work of kindergarten, including kindergarten infrastructure construction, inspection and supervision, teaching management, logistics support, etc.


Teacher team: 100% of the teachers in our kindergarten hold the teacher qualification certificate and Putonghua certificate, and 100% of them have bachelor's degree or above, all of them graduated from preschool education.

伯乐菲尔幼儿园,以“养习惯、塑性格、育品德、美生活”为教育理念,以《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》为引领,实施游戏化教学和生活化课程,并探索推进游戏课程化,实施全面发展的教育。保教活动采用中、英文双语进行,聘有专职驻园外教,并聘有课程顾问专家定期入园指导, 特色课程有:儿童游泳馆、儿童影剧院、舞台剧场、儿童烘焙馆、木工坊、陶艺坊、DIY美劳手工坊、科学探索馆、儿童心理研究室、国学馆等特色活动。还有素质综合课程(如:安全教育、体智能教育、礼仪教育)这些课程都是为了培养孩子的兴趣爱好及性格养成。

Bolefeld kindergarten, with the educational concept of 'cultivating habits, shaping personality, cultivating moral character and beautiful life', and guided by the guide for learning and development of children aged 3-6, implements game based teaching and life oriented curriculum, and explores the promotion of game curriculum and the implementation of all-round development education. The special courses include: Children's swimming pool, children's theater, stage theater, children's baking house, carpenter's workshop, pottery workshop, DIY manual workshop, science exploration hall, children's psychological research room, Chinese traditional culture museum, etc. There are also comprehensive quality courses (such as: safety education, physical and intelligent education, etiquette education) these courses are designed to cultivate children's interests and personality.

更新于 2020-11-19


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