【口琴汇--口琴新品】没有变音键的半音阶~SEYDEL最新出品NONSLIDER Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL


The NONSLIDER Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL - playing chromatically re-thought

Is there a chromatic harmonica ... 

... with direct tone response like a Blues Harmonica?

... that works WITHOUT slider and WITHOUT valves?

... on which techniques like bending or overblow are playable?

The answer is YES. We name it the NONSLIDER Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL. This instrument is a design study in a limited edition, that opens up many new possibilities for the players to play chromatically, no matter if they have played chromatic harmonica before or if they played diatonic blues harmonica!

The NONSLIDER Chromatic is a very reliable instrument that is virtually maintenance free. 48 tuning stable stainless steel reeds guarantee a great sound and a long playing pleasure. Furthermore, stuck valves or a jammed slider are things of the past.

How does the NONSLIDER Chromatic principle work?

With the help of the newly developed double-row mouthpiece, the semitones are reached simply by tilting the instrument. A slight angling down or up is sufficient to reach all chromatic notes by directly playing the corresponding holes on the respective row.

NONSLIDER Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL - 演奏色彩重新思考


... 像蓝调口琴一样具有直接的音调响应?


... 可以使用哪些技术,例如弯曲或过冲?

答案是肯定的。我们将其命名为 NONSLIDER Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL。这款乐器是限量版的设计研究,为演奏者演奏半音阶开辟了许多新的可能性,无论他们之前是否演奏过半音阶口琴,或者是否曾演奏过全音阶布鲁斯口琴!

NONSLIDER Chromatic 是一种非常可靠的仪器,几乎无需维护。48根调音稳定的不锈钢簧片保证了美妙的声音和长时间的演奏乐趣。此外,卡住的阀门或卡住的滑块已成为过去。

NONSLIDER Chromatic 原理是如何工作的?


The notes on the lower row of holes are the same like in the "slide-pressed position" on standard chromatic harmonicas. The instrument is tilted down or up, or the player changes the position of his lips (pointed-mouth technique/lip-pursing) to reach the right notes.


"Tilting" the instrument to reach all semitones - just holes - no slider!

After a a little bit of practicing-time, playing comes quite intuitively and automatically, even for players who have been using a slider for years.

What is the tone structure of the NONSLIDER Chromatic?

The NONSLIDER Chromatic is built in the common solo tuning and is equipped with SEYDEL's durable stainless steel reeds. In addition, since the tone slider is no longer needed, the instrument is extremely airtight and allows very dynamic playing.

What new playing options does the NONSLIDER Chromatic offer?

The NONSLIDER Chromatic opens up great new playing options, which you have been looking for unsuccessfull so far with chromatic harmonicas so far! The valves typical for chromatic harmonicas have been removed completely. This makes techniques playable that are otherwise only known from the Blues Harmonica.


NONSLIDER Chromatic 的音色结构是什么?

NONSLIDER Chromatic 内置普通独奏调音器,并配备 SEYDEL 耐用的不锈钢簧片。此外,由于不再需要音调滑块,该乐器非常不透气,可以进行非常动态的演奏。

NONSLIDER Chromatic 提供了哪些新的演奏选项?

NONSLIDER Chromatic 开辟了很棒的新演奏选项,到目前为止,您一直在寻找尚未成功的半音阶口琴!半音阶口琴的典型阀门已被完全移除。这使得只能在 Blues Harmonica 中知道的技巧变得可玩。

GECKO-holder SEYDEL's NONSLIDER  Chromatic can be played handsfree!!

The NONSLIDER is a project study in a limited edition, that opens up many new possibilities for the players to play chromatically, no matter if they have played chromatic harmonica before or if they played diatonic blues harmonica! - https://www.seydel1847.de/nonsliderde...SEYDEL product manager Bertram Becher (http://www.boogielicious.de) checks out the new instrument and the SEYDEL GECKO Harmonica rack with its magnetic holder. Learn more about both SEYDEL product at the oldest harmonica factory in the world: http://www.seydel1847.de/nonslider and http://www.seydel1847.de/gecko

NONSLIDER 是一个限量版的项目研究,它为演奏者演奏半音阶开辟了许多新的可能性,无论他们以前是否演奏过半音阶口琴,或者他们是否演奏过全音阶布鲁斯口琴!- https://www.seydel1847.de/nonsliderde...

SEYDEL 产品经理 Bertram Becher (http://www.boogielicious.de) 检查新乐器和带有磁性支架的 SEYDEL GECKO 口琴架。

在世界上最古老的口琴工厂了解有关 SEYDEL 产品的更多信息:http://www.seydel1847.de/nonslider 和 http://www.seydel1847.de/gecko

SEYDEL's NONSLIDER Chromatic introduced by Łukasz Wiśniewski

The NONSLIDER is a design study in a limited edition, that opens up many new possibilities for the players to play chromatically, no matter if they have played chromatic harmonica before or if they played diatonic blues harmonica! - https://www.seydel1847.de/nonsliderde...SEYDEL Endorser Łukasz Wiśniewski from Poland (http://www.krakowstreetband.com) introduces the new instrument and shows differences and similarities between standard diatonic (Session Steel), chromatic (SAXONY) and the NONSLIDER Chromatic harmonica. Visit the oldest harmonica factory in the world at: http://www.seydel1847.com

NONSLIDER 是限量版的设计研究,为演奏者演奏半音阶开辟了许多新的可能性,无论他们以前演奏过半音阶口琴还是演奏全音阶布鲁斯口琴!- https://www.seydel1847.de/nonsliderde...

来自波兰 (http://www.krakowstreetband.com) 的 SEYDEL 代言人 Łukasz Wiśniewski 介绍了这种新乐器,并展示了标准全音阶 (Session Steel)、半音阶 (SAXONY) 和 NONSLIDER Chromatic 口琴之间的异同。


看明白了么 ?如果让你选择,你会买这样的半音阶口琴么?

