
印度向所有成年人开放免费疫苗接种,以加强其疫苗接种工作。与此同时,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)开启了低调的国际瑜伽日(International Yoga Day),称赞瑜伽具有抵御病毒的“保护”特性。
由于疫苗短缺和犹豫不决,该国近几个月的疫苗接种工作已显着放缓,尽管它与 4 月和 5 月的病例激增作斗争,这使许多地方的医疗系统不堪重负。
一份政府声明显示,此后病例数急剧下降,周一该国报告了 53,256 例新的新冠感染病例,在过去 24 小时内死亡 1,422 例。
哈里亚纳邦政府周日将新冠封锁再延长一周至 6 月 28 日,但放宽了对婚礼和葬礼的限制,同时允许公司办公室在满员的情况下运作。根据发布的命令,现在最多可以有 50 位客人参加婚礼、葬礼或火葬,但必须严格遵守新冠协议,包括保持社交距离。
根据印度卫生部数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 53,256 例新增病例(88 天内最低)、78,190 例出院和 1422 例死亡

暂停最初于 4 月 22 日宣布,并计划持续 30 天。但是,它在 5 月 21 日又延长了 30 天,现在又将延长 30 天。
The Canadian government is expected to extend the suspension of direct flights from India by another month.
The announcement in this regard will be made later on Monday by Canadian officials. The decision has been intimated in advance to the Indian government, an official confirmed.
The suspension was originally announced on April 22 and was scheduled to last for 30 days. However, it was extended by another 30 days on May 21 and now another extension will be imposed for 30 days. hindustantimes
NEW DELHI: India pushed back vigorously against the remarks of UN special rapporteurs on the country's new IT rules, describing them as "misplaced, exaggerated and disingenuous" in the context of presumed scenarios that are not founded in reality.
"The concern that the rules may be misused deliberately to make a large number of complaints so as to overwhelm the grievance redressal mechanisms created by social media platforms is misplaced,
exaggerated and disingenuous and shows lack of willingness to address grievances of the users of these media platforms while using their data to earn revenues," India's permanent mission to the UN said in a letter. hindustantimes
柏林:在对美国科技竞争对手 Facebook、亚马逊和谷歌进行类似诉讼后,德国反垄断监管机构周一表示,已对苹果是否在利用其市场主导地位展开调查。
BERLIN: Germany's antitrust watchdog said on Monday it had launched an investigation into whether Apple was exploiting its market dominance, following similar proceedings into US tech rivals Facebook, Amazon and Google. TOI
联合国:根据联合国的一份报告,印度在 2020 年获得了 640 亿美元的外国直接投资,是世界上第五大流入国,该报告称该国的新冠第二波疫情严重影响了该国的整体经济活动,但其强劲的基本面为中期提供了“乐观”。
UNITED NATIONS: India received $64 billion in Foreign Direct Investment in 2020, the fifth largest recipient of inflows in the world, according to a UN report which said the Covid-19 second wave in the country weighs heavily on the country's overall economic activities but its strong fundamentals provide “optimism” for the medium term.
The World Investment Report 2021 by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), released Monday, said global FDI flows have been severely hit by the pandemic and they plunged by 35 per cent in 2020 to $1 trillion from $1.5 trillion the previous year. TOI
新德里:巴蒂电信和塔塔集团周一宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,为印度实施 5G 网络解决方案。
塔塔集团开发了基于 O-RAN 的无线电和 NSA/SA 核心,并集成了一个完全自主的电信堆栈,充分利用了集团及其合作伙伴的能力。
作为其在印度推出 5G 计划的一部分,巴蒂电信将试点和部署这一本土解决方案,并于 2022 年 1 月开始试点。
NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel and Tata Group on Monday announced a strategic partnership for implementing 5G networks solutions for India.
Tata Group has developed a O-RAN based Radio & NSA/SA Core and integrated a totally indigenous telecom stack, leveraging the Group capabilities and that of its partners.
Airtel will pilot and deploy this indigenous solution as part of its 5G rollout plans in India and start the pilot in January 2022.
SHANGHAI: China's central bank said on Monday it had summoned some banks and payment institutions recently, urging them to crack down harder on cryptocurrency trading.
The People's Bank of China urged the institutions to promptly cut payment channels for cryptocurrency trading. They must not provide other crypto-related financial services, PBOC said. TOI
比特币跌至 32,094 美元的低点,创下 12 天以来的最低点,拖累较小的代币下跌。它最后下跌了 8.3%,有望创下一个月以来的最大单日跌幅。
LONDON/TOKYO: Bitcoin tumbled almost 10% on Monday as recent volatility in the cryptocurrency market showed no signs of dampening down, with market players citing jitters over China's expanding crackdown on bitcoin mining in thin liquidity for the losses.
Bitcoin fell as low as $32,094 to its lowest in 12 days, dragging smaller coins down. It was last down 8.3%, on course for its biggest daily drop in a month. TOI
路透新德里 6 月 21 日 - 印度板球委员会 (BCCI) 已向该国国家奥委会提供 135 万美元的财政支持,该委员会以东京奥运会前的公众情绪为由,放弃了中国运动服装制造商李宁作为其官方球衣合作伙伴的地位。
NEW DELHI, June 21 (Reuters) - India's cricket board (BCCI) has offered $1.35 million in financial support to the country's National Olympic Committee, which dropped Chinese sportswear maker Li Ning as its official kit partner citing public sentiment ahead of the Tokyo Games. Reuters
孟买:专家周日证实,该国对新兴 Delta-plus(德尔塔加强版) 变体检测呈阳性的样本数量已达到近 20 个。马哈拉施特拉邦至少占这些病例的八起,几乎所有病例都来自拉特纳吉里。
高度传染性的德尔塔变体 (B.1.617.2) 进一步突变形成德尔塔加强版 或“AY.1”变体。“我们在泰米尔纳德邦、马哈拉施特拉邦、旁遮普邦和中央邦等邦发现了 15-20 例德尔塔加强版病例。我们需要密切关注它,尽管就目前而言,德尔塔仍然是主要和更强的变种,”新德里国家疾病控制中心主任苏吉特·辛格博士说。
MUMBAI: The count of samples that have tested positive for the emerging Delta-plus variant has reached nearly 20 in the country, experts confirmed on Sunday. Maharashtra accounts for at least eight of these cases with almost all being reported from Ratnagiri.
The highly infectious Delta variant (B.1.617.2) has further mutated to form the Delta-plus or 'AY.1’variant. “We have found 15-20 cases of Delta-plus from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh, among other states.
We need to watch it closely, although for now, Delta remains the dominant and the stronger variant,” said Dr Sujeet Singh, director, National Centre for Disease Control, New Delhi. TOI
IGN India是第一个报道Battlegrounds Mobile India(又名PUBG)与中国移动通信集团(一家国有企业)共享数据的机构,印度数据保护法案议会委员会主席和印度人民党议员,米纳克什·勒希在推特上要求电子和信息技术部“调查此事”。
Following IGN India being the first to report that Battlegrounds Mobile India aka PUBG was sharing data with China Mobile Communications Corporation, a state-owned conglomerate, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on India’s Data Protection Bill and BJP Member of Parliament,
Meenakshi Lekhi has tweeted asking the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) “to look into it”. ign