20180713 长难句



But there are some serious flaws in that argument, many scientists suggest. One of the biggest issues is the matter of timing. Burning biomass for energy releases large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere all at once. But depending on the type of tree, forests may take decades or even a century to draw the same amount of carbon back out of the air.


One could argue that the process has the potential to be carbon neutral over very long time scales but not in the short term. And that means it’s not a useful strategy when world leaders are working to reduce global carbon emissions immediately.


argue /ˈɑ:ɡju:/ v. 说理,论证;讨论
potential /pəˈtenʃl/ n. 可能性,潜在性;潜能
over long time scales 在较长时间内
in the short term 在短期内
mean /mi:n/ v. 意思是;意味着
strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ n. 策略;规划
carbon emission 碳排放


1. One could argue that the process has the potential to be carbon neutral over very long time scales but not in the short term.
该句主干为“主谓宾从”结构,即:one /could argue/ that …;
that从句主干为“主谓宾”结构,即:the process/ has / the potential …; to be carbon neutral为后置定语修饰the potential; over very long time scales but not in the short term 为时间状语。
2. And that means it’s not a useful strategy when world leaders are working to reduce global carbon emissions immediately.
该句主干为“主谓宾从”结构,即:that/ means/ (that) ….; 从句主干为“主系表”结构,即:it / is not / a useful strategy;  when从句为时间状语从句


One could argue that the process has the potential to be carbon neutral over very long time scales but not in the short term. And that means it’s not a useful strategy when world leaders are working to reduce global carbon emissions immediately.


Even for the process to be considered carbon neutral on long time scales, Schlesinger noted, forest managers would have to be certain that replacement trees were given enough time to store the same amount of carbon that their predecessors contained when they were harvested. Especially if older, more carbon-rich forests are cleared to make room for faster-growing, easier-to-harvest trees, then even more carbon must be stored away to make up the difference.
