

The hapless user believed only that they were allowing Facebook to look through their contacts to make it easier to reach them. In this instance, it is hard to blame Facebook entirely for taking advantage of a feature that Google had deliberately built.



Both firms had a vital interest in collecting as much information as possible about their users – and everyone whom their users knew, on or off the network – and helping marketers to use it.


firm n. 公司

vital adj. 重要的,重大的

interest n. 利益;兴趣

on or off the network 在线上或线下

marketer n. 营销人员


Both firms had a vital interest in collecting as much information as possible about their users – and everyone whom their users knew, on or off the network – and helping marketers to use it.


1. 句子主干为主谓宾结构,即:Both firms/ had/ a vital interest  in ….; in collecting …. to use it 为介词短语,为修饰成分,表“在……方面”。因该修饰成分较长,在翻译时采用单独处理的方式至于汉语译文的最后。

2. about 的两个宾语为their users 和everyone whom their users knew

3. …in collecting … and helping … 之中的and连接介词in的并列宾语 collecting 和helping


What was then advertised or sold with the help of this once private information, whether it was goods or politicians, was of rather less interest. “Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?”, as Tom Lehrer sang.

