


事情要回溯到2018年3月7日下午,就是两天前,我去上了一节预计两小时结果一小时就结束的伦敦大学布卢姆斯伯里联盟课程Giving effective poster presentations。






我已经在设想估计会有几个小桌子凑在一起成方块形的大桌子,大概四组(因为会分science, socail science, art&humanities, education,每张大桌子上平铺一张大的研究海报(因为课程简介里提到a selection of posters),然后有不同颜色的贴纸,可以供人做评论,还有一张A4大小的纸,可以供每个小组写自己小组认为做海报要注意的事项,也就是评价标准。然后,每隔十分钟,每个小组有两个人顺时针换到下一个小组。

这个过程可能持续30-40分钟,期间每个人几乎都有彼此自我介绍的机会。最后,教师邀请每个人把自己认为最重要的三条标准写到白板上。如果同意前面写上去的观点,则在后面加自己的名字,比如+1 Lauren,+1 Ron。






Think very carefully about the info you want to get across

the information needs to flow … tell it as a story

break up the texts with some images (even a little contrived)

don’t forget the bibliography or the funder


bullet points

be concise, less is more (how the picture is relevant

put arrows

each section needs a clear title

concise conclusions

think the use of colour combinations (even in poor light)

make it A4 copies for people to take away

PPT is the easiest way (is your best friend)

make sure the title and authors are right

content: background and context; key findings; conclusions

bibliography/key readings (aim at 5)

funder acknowledgement

it is a visual thing=picture plus text

spend couple hours on it, go away and come back to it

*three months* every week

what your key messages are?

always take some pins, blue tack and velcro dots but they have different fixings

leave it up for as long as possible

(people wander through the posters during breaks)

before the presentation session try and look at any posters in a similar area

look smart and be careful with the free wine

be prepared- have pens and paper, business cards, copies of poster(the back page can be your CV and your Info), your papers.

stay close to your poster- people should be able to ask you questions

know you stuff- you will be asked detailed technical questions

relax and enjoy it

-you get to spend a couple of hours talking about your research with interested people

don’t for get to look at the other posters and talk to the people interested in it

-sparkle ideas

If it comes to organise a seminar:

ask for the abstract, then decide if they can present a poster in your seminar)

ask for those who failed to have a paper presentation, would you like to do a poster

how many posters space you can have (landscape or portrait)

print it by yourself, but if everyone needs to have the same logo in somewhere, tell them in advance or print for them.


source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwMFhyH7_5g

