5.5立夏~GEO节气原创作品展征集中~ Calling for more photos on solar term Lìxià

©️陶理 Hermione
2020.05.04 15:54
Canal at Regent's Park, London, UK
iPhone SE + vivid滤镜54%
Practicing alone in the canal,
Watching you on the bank,
Putting down cameras,
Lying in the grass,
Over the bridge,
Capturing the view,
with Social Distancing Rule.
  1. 拍摄或创作于你所在的当地时间2020年5月5号(照片建议具体到分钟;如果是画作或雕塑等其他作品不好定时,就写到日期即可);
  2. 创作者的署名(可以用真名,也可以用你的艺名);
  3. 创作于何处(如果是公共场所不涉及广告与隐私保护,可以具体到地点,方便感兴趣的读者寻找;但建议就写到地级市或县级市即可)
  4. 你写一两句你认为符合这个节气的配文(不如这次挑战尽量在55字左右,如果是引用诗词或其他人的话要记得注明出处哟)
The tradition is to show an example and get clear with what I need from you sharing your original work:
  1. captured or created during your local time of 5th May 2020 (if you are sending me a photo, it would be helpful to be accurate with the time; if you want to share your drawing or sculpture, difficult to say, then just the date)
  2. your name as the artist (you can keep using your real name, or go creative with a name you like, as artists always do have another name)
  3. where did you take picture or create your work ( if in public place, and no commercial ads involved, and you can protect your privacy, feel free to give reader a lead; but I will suggest just say the city or town or village, I will need it to pin your location on a world map)
  4. write one or two relevant sentences between the photo and the solar term Lixia (the beginning of summer) so that the reader understand the connection you see in the photo and the solar term (this time, challenge yourself not to exceed 55 words; and if you are quoting, tell me the reference)
Here we go with introducing Lìxià:
Traditions of
图源 source: http://www.chinanews.com/cul/2019/05-06/8828209.shtml
A simple translation of the key ideas:
Welcoming summer used to be a big ceremony in ancient China. Having 'five-colour rice' and eggs are considered as traditions to wish for the best.
立夏习俗有哪些?食品科技网 2018-05-02
图源 source: https://www.tech-food.com/kndata/detail/k0251317.htm
A simple translation of the key ideas:
People from Ninbo (Zhejiang) will have a seasonal vegetable at this day which can help them to have smoothy skin in the summer;
People from South Fujian province will have shrimp noodles, the red shrimp means good luck and shrimp in Chinese means 虾🦐Xia sounds similar like 夏Xia (summer).
People who live in rural areas of Ninbo will put five colour beans (red beans, soybeans, black beans, green beans, mung beans) with white rice to make five colour rice as "Lìxià rice", but now some families also use broad beans, soybeans, bamboo shoots, mustard, and salt meat (like bacon but not smoky) to make it five kinds of rice.
图源 source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lixia
图源 source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_term
