叶光照 陶笛 滋润心田的泥哨


Listen to the ocarina music to harvest a peace of mind, insomnia is my lullaby, very familiar melody, music is the only beautiful pure land to me ! It is a light wind from far to near, a peach land far away from the world. The most beautiful scenery of life is actually the calm and calm of the heart. The melodious and graceful soil simple timbre can not help but let people have unlimited thoughts and a little reverie. It seems to be back to the beginning of life, clay music that close to the heart cures every restless heart, let the heart become more clear.


Every time I close my eyes and listen to it, I feel immersed in the river and become a fish. I go upstream against the current and find myself. The echoes of hometown, the gurgling of mountains and rivers, the tranquility of nature, the cry of soul, and your gentle call to me, it is a kind of enjoyment to find a music that is in line with your own mood, but in all the music, you still only love the ocarina. If it is a kind of fate for two people to meet and know each other and then hand in hand for a lifetime, then the encounter between ocarina and me is even more predestined. There is always a sound that stays in the heart of you and me. Although after many years, I am still moved by the rustling sound again. Those who gradually disappear, those things, although gradually far away, but always become the eternal memory.


Throughout the world, there will be many things that can't be retrieved, and we can't let go, or even get stuck in it? When you come back from the music, back to the reality, there will be a kind of emotion beyond the secular, surging heart will be relieved a lot. A long time later, when you recall, you will find that this is your music, only belongs to your soul, beautiful and far away... May you and I live in the heart, always a childlike, brave, simple and lovely little princess.


The sound of ocarina is a kind of simple natural beauty,comfort our vulnerable hearts, close the distance, let people easily remove the heart guard, let two strangers open their hearts closer. let people's hearts close to each other. The warmth from the bottom of my heart inadvertently penetrates into our bones, all of which are moved by its lively and playful rhythm. Ocarina's wonderful sound brings infinite touching and warmth to the public. The sound is bright and brisk, which makes people's mood become clear unconsciously.


The sound of the ocarina has its own characteristics, which reminds people of the happy scene of childhood. The sound of the it is so penetrating! After listening to each time, my heart calmed down. The familiar melody, the heart playing, the unchanging classic, this is the small touch of the ocarina.



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