『雕塑头条』坦尼亚 Tanya Preminger丨2018中国·铜川“玄奘之路”国际雕塑创作营入选艺术家

高蒙(特邀,中国)、坦尼亚Tanya Preminger(特邀,以色列)、林胜煌(特邀,旅居日本的华人雕塑家)、田中Hitoshi Tanaka(日本)、皮特Petre Petrov(保加利亚)、卡门Kamen Tanev(保加利亚)、尤里Yury Tkachenko(俄罗斯)、瓦力里Valerian Jikia(格鲁吉亚)、崔绍东SoDong Choe(韩国)、金元根Kim Wongeun(韩国)、尤金Eugen Petri(罗马尼亚)、乔治Djordje Cpalak(塞尔维亚)、乃丁Nedim Hadziahmetovic(塞尔维亚)、阿依汗Ayhan Kayapinr(土耳其)、迦南Canan Zöngür(土耳其)、米格尔Miguel Isla(西班牙)、艾斯马勒Esmaeil Sahandiyan(伊朗)、蓝之峰(中国)、邓善琪(中国台湾)、蒋楚(中国)


Concept of Project “Group”
In every totality of people (or objects),united by a commonality of interests, attributes, profession, activity, etc.,there is an internal division into smaller aggregates (groups) where membersobey their own laws in parallel with the laws of the general large group.

其 他 作 品

获奖:2016 励志奖,以色列文化部;2014 “scuplOLIMP”雪雕大赛三等奖,俄罗斯莫斯科;2013 第二届“南方共同市场”国际雕塑创作营一等奖,巴西本图贡萨尔维斯;2013 国际雪雕大赛二等奖,俄罗斯莫斯科;2011 中国首届国际公共雕塑大赛三等奖;2011 釜山海洋艺术节国际竞赛单元特等奖,韩国;2011 斯洛文尼亚“Formaviva”石雕大赛一等奖;2010 清华大学雕塑大赛 决赛入围,中国;2010 " Nashe Otechestvo"大赛 优胜者,俄罗斯莫斯科;2010 国际雪雕大赛 三等奖,法国瓦鲁瓦尔;2007 "La Piera Musa Agreste"国际雕塑大赛 二等奖,意大利;2003 中国福州·国际城市雕塑大展 优秀作品奖;2003 "Mifal Hapais"雕塑作品大赛 第一名,以色列;2000 韩国San-Chung国际石雕大赛 雕塑家奖;1999 "Nantopietra"国际石雕大赛 一等奖,意大利Nanto;1998 国际雕塑双年展大赛 "Con Salud"奖,阿根廷雷西斯滕西亚;1997 法纳诺国际石雕比赛 一等奖,意大利;1996 卡奥莱国际石雕比赛 三等奖,意大利;1995 首届“花莲国际石雕艺术季” 杰出成就奖,中国台湾。
奖金:2013 濑内户国际艺术节艺术家补助金,日本;2009 Pedvale艺术博物馆驻馆艺术家补助金,拉脱维亚;2002 休斯顿大学驻校艺术家补助金,美国德克萨斯州;1991 B.E.M.I.S驻地艺术家补助金,美国奥马哈。
参加90多场世界各地的群展:2017 2015-2016文化部奖获得者展览,巴特MOBY艺术馆,以色列;2017 第七届中国北京国际美术双年展,中国美术馆,中国;2017 与Dina Blih展示 "Touch to the globe" ,拉玛特甘美术馆,以色列;2016 国际雕塑双年展,阿根廷雷西斯滕西亚;2015 "Center of point is located in side" 第六届莫斯科当代艺术双年展,莫斯科法布里卡;2013 濑户内国际艺术节,日本坂出;2013 亚拉尼亚国际雕塑创作营,土耳其亚拉尼亚;2011 釜山双年展海洋艺术节,韩国釜山;2011 清华大学百年校庆“水木清华·国际校园雕塑大展”,中国北京。
以色列Green Gallery创建者: www.greengallery.co.il
Biography: Born in the Soviet Union 1944, M.A. from Surikov Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia.
Since 1972 lives and teaches in Israel.. Works in various media: sculpture, landscape art,installation, photography.
Presented 30 One-person exhibitions in Israel 1978 -2011,including: The Negev Museum, Open Museum Omer, Ramat Gan Museum, HerzeliaMuseum, Lutshansky Museum, Painters' and Sculptors' Association Gallery, TovaOsman Gallery, Artists' House Jerusalem, Efrat Gallery.
Participated in 110 Symposiums and Competitions worldwide in: China, Canada,Austria, USA, Greece, France, Italy, Taiwan, Sweden, India, Germany, Finland, Brazil,Spain, Argentina, Japan, Belgium ,Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Russia, Montenegro. Chile.Ukraine
Awards: 2016 Encouragement Prize. Ministry of Culture, Israel. 2014 Third prize. Sculpture Snow Competition "SculpOLIMP" ,Moscow, Rissia. 2013 First Prize. 2ndInternational Sculpture Symposium of Mercosul in Bento Gonçalves, Brasil. 2013 Second Prize. International Snow Sculpture Competition.Moskow.Pussia.2011, Thirdprize. Chinese First International Public Sculpture Contest. 2011 Special Award International Competition, Sea Art Festival Busan.Korea. 2011 First Prize. Stone Sculpture Competition"Formaviva" Slovenia. 2010 One of the finalists of Sculpture competition of the Tsinghua University.China. 2010 Winner of Competition " Nashe Otechestvo", Moskow, Russia. 2010 Third Prize International Snow Sculpture Competition, Valloire,France. 2007 Second Prize.International Sculpture Competition, "La Piera Musa Agreste", Italy. 2003 Selected as Excellent Works Plan. International City Sculpture Exhibition. Fuzhou, China. 2003First place. Competition for Sculpture work " Mifal Hapais" Israel. 2000 Sculptors Award. International Stone Sculpture Competition. San-Chung,S. Korea. 1999 First Prize. International Stone Sculpture Competition."Nantopietra", Nanto, Italy. 1998 "Con Salud" Prize.International Biennale Sculpture Competition. Resistencia, Argentina. 1997 ,FirstPrize. International Stone SculptureCompetition. Fanano, Italy.1996 Third Prize. International Stone SculptureCompetition. Caorle, Italy.1995 Outstanding Prize. International Stone Sculpture Competition. Hualien,Taiwan.
Grants: 2013Grant of "Artis" for Setuchi Trienale, Japan.
2009 Artist Residencegrant, Pedvale Art Museum, Latvia.
2002 Artist-in-residence grant. HoustonUniversity, Texas, USA.
1991 Artist-in-residence grant. B.E.M.I.S. Omaha,USA.
Participated in over 90 group exhibitions worldwide between them:
2017 “Winnersof Ministry of Culture Prize 2015 -2016, MOBY Museum of Bat Yam, Israel.
2017 The 7th Beijing International Art Biennale,National Art Museum of China., China
2017Performance "Touch to the globe" With Dina Blih. Museum Ramat Gan.Israel.
2016 “BienalInternacional de Escultura “ Resistencia. Argentina
2015"Center of point is located in side" Sixth Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Fabrika, Moskow.
2013 “Setuchi Trienale”, . Sakaide. Japan.
2013 AlaniaInternational Sculpture Symposium. Alania, Turkie.
2011 "Seaart festival", Busan Biennale, Busan, Korea.
2011 “100 yearsof Tsinghua University”, Beijing, China.
Founder ofGreen Gallery, Israel : www.greengallery.co.il