▶ 科学60秒:吸人血的蚊子,也有被吸血的时候 | 1:14
Vampire Spiders Home In on Female Mosquitoes

图片来源:Royal Mayhem, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Vampire spiders, as the name suggests, like blood. And they feast on blood-filled mosquitoes to get it. But only female mosquitoes suck blood. So how do spiders home in on the ladies?
To find out, researchers, well, took apart a bunch of mosquitoes. Then they mixed and matched body parts. They glued female heads onto male abdomens and male heads onto female bodies, some of which had blood-filled bellies. Then they let the spiders loose near these reassembled specimens, and watched to see which ones the spiders stalked.
As the researchers predicted, the spiders paid close attention to the abdomen, pouncing on the Frankensquitos filled with blood. But the spiders also kept an eye—or eight eyes—on the mosquitoes' heads. Males have lush, feathery antennae. The females aren't as showy. So if the spiders couldn't see the belly they went for female-headed skeeters, presumably for the better odds of scoring blood. The research is in the Journal of Experimental Biology. [Ximena J. Nelson and Robert R. Jackson: 'The discerning predator: decision rules underlying prey classification by a mosquito-eating jumping spider']
Previous studies have shown that blood meals give vampire spiders a perfume that's irresistible to the opposite sex. Now that’s what I call blood lust.
—Christopher Intagliata
abdomen: n. 腹部
pounce: v. 猛扑,一下抓住;n. 猛扑
Franken-: 结合自...(某物非自然或怪异的修饰版)
lush: adj. 茂密的;豪华的;性感的;很棒的
skeeter: n. 蚊子
蛛如其名,吸血鬼蜘蛛(Evarcha culicivora)热衷吸血,腹饱血液的蚊子则是它们的嘉肴美馔。众所周知,只有雌蚊子才会吸血,而这些蜘蛛是如何准确锁定蚊子女士的呢?
不出预料,这些蜘蛛非常关注腹部,会扑向充盈着鲜血的“拼接怪”;但同时也双目(确切的说是八目)紧盯蚊子的脑袋。雄蚊的触角有着浓密而蓬松的绒毛,而雌蚊的触角则没有那么浮夸。所以如果没有看到膨胀的腹部,这些蜘蛛会冲向雌蚊子的头部,大概是去等候下次吸血的机会。相关研究发表在《实验生物学》(Journal of Experimental Biology)杂志上。
翻译 墨月枫