

1991 毕业于江西景德镇陶瓷学院美术系,获学士学位

2010-2016 先后于中央美院中国画学院,中国艺术研究院访学,唐勇力教授工作室访问学者

现居深圳, 深圳画院专职画家,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,中国重彩画研究会理事

Yan Xiaoping

1991 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Jiangxi Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute with a bachelor's degree

2010 to 2016 Visiting scholar in the Academy of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Chinese Academy of Art, and visiting scholar in the studio of Professor Tang Yongli

Currently lives in Shenzhen, full-time painter of Shenzhen Academy of Painting, National First-Class Artist, member of Chinese Artists Association, director of China Heavy Color Painting Research Association

聆听春天(局部)  纸本重彩  2018

Listen to spring (Part)

Heavy-color on paper


美丽天香  纸本、水墨、矿物色、箔  2020

Exquisite Beauty

Paper, ink, mineral color, foil


一束春光  水色、水墨、箔、矿物色  2019

A bouquet of spring scenery

Paper, water color, ink, foil,mineral color


玉屏1  纸本、水墨、水色、矿物色、箔  2002

Jade screen 1

Paper, ink, water color, mineral color, foil


金粉佳丽  水色、水墨、箔、矿物色  2002

The Diamond dust beautiful woman

water color, ink, foil, mineral color


文 / 唐勇力
Yan Xiaoping spent more than ten years focusing on the study of heavy color, researching the use of materials, transforming the language of materials into the language of painting, fusing the unique texture of heavy color, the beauty of texture and painting form, and keeping the charm of color and ink in the works, Creating images of different feelings. She is good at using heavy color language to express and amplify the touches in her life, She blends the splashing colors with the clear-cut materials, and conveys her full emotions and passion of life with freehand brushwork. In the recreational exploration between ink and color, shape and color, work and writing, painting and decoration, her works are heavy-color, mural, material, contemporary, and more importantly is freehand. It should be said that Yan Xiaoping's works are freehand of Meticulous heavy color.
Text / Tang Yongli
Dean, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts

幻听  纸本、水墨、水色、矿物色、箔  2019

Auditory hallucination

Paper, ink, water color, mineral color, foil


春.素颜  纸本水墨、箔、矿物色  2017

Spring. Face Without Makeup

Ink on paper, foil,mineral color


时光碎影  纸本水墨、矿物色  2014

Broken shadow of Time

Ink on paper, mineral color


春.私语  纸本水墨、矿物色、箔  2016

Spring. Whisper

Ink on paper, mineral color, foil



2020    第二届都市水墨人物邀请展,深圳画院, 广东,中国

2020    水墨对话一一深圳·仓敷水墨画交流展,仓敷美术馆,日本

2020    她水墨——当代中国画女艺术家大系提名展, 今曰美术馆,北京,中国

2020    第二届中国女美术家作品展, 中国妇女儿童博物馆,北京,中国

2020    第十四届艺术节,广东美术馆, 广东,中国

2020    全国第三届综合材料绘画双年展,宁波美术馆,浙江,中国

2019    第十三届全国美展中国画展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2019    庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年第六届全国画院展,湖南美术馆, 湖南,中国

2017    平行∥颜晓萍当代重彩作品、梁冰当代陶艺双个展, 至尚美术馆, 广东,中国

2016    融·颜晓萍当代重彩作品、梁冰当代陶艺双个展, 深圳画院美术馆,广东,中国

2014    第十二届全国美展,西安大唐西施美术馆,陕西,中国

2014    第二届“精致立场”现代工大展,中国军事博物馆,北京,中国

2011    广东省百年风云重大历史题材展,广东美术馆, 广东,中国

2010   “南风南韵”画展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2010    全国首届现代工笔画大展, 中国军事博物馆,北京,中国

2009    第十一届全国美展,上海美术馆, 上海,中国

2009    第十届美术书法摄影作品联展,广东美术馆, 广东,中国

2009    庆祝建国六十周年省展,广东美术馆, 广东,中国

2006    全国第六届工笔画大展,中国美术馆,北京,中国

2004    第十届全国美展,浙江美术馆, 浙江,中国

2003    第二届中国美术金彩奖展, 炎黄艺术馆,北京,中国

2002    全国第十六届新人新作展,中国

2002    全国第五届工笔画大展,炎黄艺术馆,北京,中国

2000    全国首届中国重彩画大展,北京,中国

Selected Exhibitions

2020 The 2nd Urban Ink Figure Invitation Exhibition, Shenzhen Art Academy, Guangdong, China

2020 Ink and Wash Dialogue-Shenzhen·Kurashiki Ink Painting Exchange Exhibition, Kurashiki Art Museum, Japan

2020 Ink like her-Contemporary Chinese Female Artist Nomination Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China

2020 The 2nd Chinese Female Artist Works Exhibition, China Women and Children's Museum, Beijing, China

2020 The 14th Art Festival, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong, China

2020 The 3rd National Comprehensive Material Painting Biennale, Ningbo Art Museum, Zhejiang, China

2019 Chinese Painting Exhibition of the 13th National Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2019 Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China, the 6th National Academy of Painting Exhibition, Hunan Art Museum, Hunan, China

2017 Parallel∥Yan Xiaoping's contemporary heavy color works, Liang Bing contemporary pottery double solo exhibition, South to Noble Art Museum, Guangdong, China

2016 Fusion·Yan Xiaoping's contemporary heavy color works, Liang Bing contemporary pottery double solo exhibition, Shenzhen Art Academy Art Museum, Guangdong, China

2014 The 12th National Art Exhibition, Xi'an Datang Xishi Art Museum, Shaanxi, China

2014 The 2nd "Exquisite Position" Modern University of Technology Exhibition, China Military Museum, Beijing, China

2011 An Exhibition of Important Historical Themes in a Hundred Years of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong, China

2010 "Southern Wind and Southern Rhyme" Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2010 The First National Modern Meticulous Brushwork Exhibition, China Military Museum, Beijing, China

2009 The 11th National Art Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2009 The 10th Art Calligraphy and Photography Joint Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong, China

2009 Provincial Exhibition Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangdong, China

2006 The Sixth National Meticulous Brushwork Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

2004 The Tenth National Art Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum, Zhejiang, China

2003 The 2nd China Fine Arts Golden Color Award Exhibition, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2002 The 16th National Exhibition of New Artists and New Works, China

2002 The Fifth National Meticulous Brushwork Exhibition, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China

2000 The First China Heavy Color Painting Exhibition, Beijing,China



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