导语 Janice Sigrist老师是一名资深教育人,曾在美国和中国的多所国际幼儿园担任园长和创始人。在上海生活生活21年的她,于今年7月回美定居。一妍邀请Janice开设一个英文学习专栏,通过Janice的日常故事,激发大家学习英文的兴趣,提升口语能力。
文丨Janice Sigrist
第1整理术YiOrganizer招募第一个英文学习粉丝群(同时也是Janice粉丝群)。大家可以在群里向Janice建议下一期的故事话题,包括国际教育、美国日常生活,或是任何有关美好生活的问题,统统欢迎。2 准备一段你听Janice讲故事的心得(英文),或提供一个你希望听到的新话题(英文),发送给小助手“苹果老师”微信号(ID:msapple004)。加好友暗号:Janice。3 满足以上两个小伙伴,默认就是Janice的粉丝啦,获得入群机会。群讨论主题:聆听Janice小故事的心得,建议,以及其他希望Janice讲故事的话题方向。拒绝其他话题闲聊。建议尽可能使用英文交流。以上照片由Janice提供给第1整理术YiOrganizer。2021年夏天,上海,Fat Cow餐厅。左起为深受孩子喜爱的双语幼儿园老师Hanna,中间是第1整理术YiOrganizer创始人周一妍,右边是Janice。我们在一起讨论为中国的成年人提供更好的英文学习环境与资源。如果你觉得我们这个小小的中美团队可以为你做些什么,欢迎留言和我们分享。Hello. I am Miss Janice, an educator and lover of life! I enjoyed my 21 years in China, my 38 years as an educator, and I am back in the US now sharing my US experiences with you.I love a good steak! In fact, for me, just the smell of a good steak reminds me of family. So today there was a great special at the grocery store, and I bought some beautiful New York Strip bone-in steaks. Each steak cost around $6 per steak, based on my discount today and the wonderful sale at Albertsons, which is a very lovely grocery store, that is around 38 rmb per steak, and each steak weighed around 1 pound, which is close to a half kilo each. They are big and beautiful! In a restaurant in the US they would cost between thirty and a hundred dollars for the same steak, depending on the restaurant.Today we prepared two steaks for three of us for dinner. My sister-in-law and and I shared one, and my brother ate the other. When we finished, my brother and I both still had steak left, and we put it in the fridge and will use it in the morning for our breakfast with eggs and home made biscuits. My brother prefers his steak to be cooked medium rare, and my sister-in-law and I prefer ours medium to medium well. We cooked the medium rare steak for 5 minutes and 15 seconds per side, and the medium to medium well steak for five minutes and 45 seconds per side. Yummmmm.Our steps to prepare the meal, were as follows:At least an hour before we ate, my brother seasoned the steaks on both sides with Montreal Steak Seasoning and kosher salt. Using Kosher salt is very important, as it adds an extra flavor. Then, we left the meat out at room temperature to tenderize for an hour.While the meat was resting, we removed the charcoal ash front the charcoal grill. We removed the cooking grills, which are what the food rests on to be cooked inside of a grail, and we cleaned before we began cooking. He then prepared a firestarter inside of the fire chimney, the long, cylinder metal container. We lit this to prepare the charcoal. My brother then cleaned the grills by heating his gas grill and getting it super hot and then used a wire brush to clean the grills. We added a few more charcoals to the fire chimney, and let them get really hot.So next, after the charcoal had been burning for around 50 minutes, we added it to the base of the charcoal grill. We replaced the very hot cooking grills, waited another fifteen minutes to get the grill over 300 degrees Fahrenheit, or, around 150 degrees Celsius, and then put the steaks on to cook.When I lived in China, we used a scale of 1-10 for steaks; one is rare, three is medium rare, five is medium, seven is medium well, and then 10 is very well done! Maybe burned, I don’t know. In the US we use rare, medium rare, medium, and well done. What we cook, in relation to the Chinese scale, ranges for my brother between a 3 and a 5, and for me between a 5 and a 7. We are both very happy around a 5 for our steaks.We cooked the steaks accordingly, turned them once, and then quickly closed the lid. The smell was absolutely mouthwatering! If I could have bottled the smell for you and sent it with this blog, believe me, I would have, and you would all be drooling from the incredible aromas!!!Finally, we removed the steak, and we let the meat 'rest’ for 5 to 10 minutes before eating. Meat warms up almost five degrees (Fahrenheit, of course) in the first five minutes after you take it off of the grill.When the steak was ready, we took it in, let it rest, and then we enjoyed it and our dinner so much!!! It was an amazing treat!Thank you for joining me today. I wish you all a wonderful week, great meals, and I welcome you to join my future adventures. ☺ Bye, bye!未来跟着Janice老师学英文专栏会在喜马拉雅APP同步更新。欢迎移步订阅。