
西班牙Sublime公司Long Term Chinese Subtitling Project,投递邮箱见下文高亮显示,要求字幕经验,无相关经验者不考虑~
Job type: 笔译/编辑/校对工作
Service required: Subtitling, Translation
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM
语言对: English英语译成Chinese汉语


Dear Chinese subtitlers,

Sublime is hiring subtitlers in three different English>Chinese language combinations:

· English into Chinese (China - Simplified)
· English into Chinese (Traditional - Hong Kong)
· English into Chinese (Traditional - Taiwan)

This job opportunity is to work for a well-known video on demand and production company. We are interested in a long-term collaboration as we plan on working consistently with this client for the foreseeable future. Please take into account that confidentiality and professionalism are extremely important to us.

In order to be considered for this job opportunity, these are the requirements.

· Being an audiovisual translator and having previous experience in this field is a requirement. Subtitlers who can create timing from scratch will be highly valued.

· Subtitlers with technical skills that are able to work on an online subtitling tool.
· Being a Chinese [China, Taiwan or Hong Kong] native speaker is absolutely necessary.
· Mastery of English as a source language. Other source languages are a plus.
· Freelancer status, no companies.
· Being fairly available.
· Understanding of the importance of confidentiality

Other valued requirements:

· Passion for languages, series and films

Candidates who do not fulfil the beforementioned requirements will not be considered for this opportunity.

If you are interested and available, please write us an email sending us your updated CV to vendor@sublimesubtitling.com

Looking forward to your replies.

Kind regards,
Sublime Subtitling Vendor Management

Poster country: 西班牙










Computer Arts《视觉设计》译审

