【第七届庐山水彩节邀请嘉宾】NB Gurung Nepal 艺术作品展




《 特邀名家 》

NB Gurung Nepal

NB Gurung is well known artist of Nepal. Though most of his works are in watercolor, he has a body of work in acrylic and oils also. Abstracts, landscapes, cityscape and portraits are his master subjects. His paintings depict the infinite color shades that nature holds.  The most exciting factor in his art is the immediacy of the medium and the way the color respond on the paper to his personal emotions.

Gurung finds watercolor medium as his unique way to present his visual stories by regularly  experimenting and constantly pushing the boundaries of what watercolor can do. His colors move, dance and  vibrate creating light-filled patches and richly colored transparent darks. His rapidly executed strokes thrill the viewer with its spontaneity, energy and sheer boldness. What may appear as simple execution bears all the complexities of sensitivity.

He has received several national and international awards among which Best Watercolorist/India, Second prize in East-West Watercolor Society/USA, Regional talent awards/Government of Nepal, Hemganga, Youth Talent award and more. He has 5 times solo show to his credit and participated in numerous art exhibitions and workshops  in Nepal  and abroad.

At present he is the president of International Watercolor Society of Nepal ( IWS-Nepal )

NB Gurung是尼泊尔的知名艺术家。尽管他的大部分作品都是水彩画,但他的作品也是以丙烯酸和油画为主。抽象,风景,城市景观和肖像是他的主要主题。他的画作描绘了自然所拥有的无限色彩。在他的艺术中最激动人心的因素是颜料的即时性以及颜色在纸上对他的个人情感的表达方式。

Gurung 发现水彩画颜料是他通过定期实验并不断突破水彩画的极限来展示自己的视觉故事的独特方式。他的色彩动人,翩翩起舞。颤动起来,形成了充满光线的斑块和色彩丰富的深色透明感。他快速的笔触以其自发性,活力和纯粹的大胆使人们激动。简单的表达似乎带有敏感性的所有复杂性。




