读后续写人与自然热点话题:刀下救鸡 动物类续写语料汇总

作者:山东省潍坊一中 王春成老师

语言是英语能力的体现,情节的合理通过语言的细节描写来体现,所以积累细节描写的语料是非常有必要的,比如独立主格、非谓语动词、强调句和倒装句、无灵主语等等,词汇的灵动性比如surge,well up, flash, beam等。
感悟二:读后续写,顾名思义,就是“读 + 写”。




刀下救鸡 / 护鸡行动



It all began when my younger brother, Chris, and I went over to Uncle Howard’s for Thanksgiving. When we finally got to my uncle’s, Chris and I went outside to see if Uncle Howard needed help with anything. Since Chris was only nine, he got the easier job of cleaning up the watering cans. I was twelve, old enough to help load the wheelbarrow (手推车). But we still found time to ask Uncle Howard a lot of questions about turkeys. He must have been impressed, because when we were finished, he winked at my dad and handed us one turkey egg.(划线句为伏笔)

“You kids put this under a hatching hen,” he said, “and in twenty-five days, you’ll have a fine turkey!” Chris was so excited that he nearly dropped the egg on the way home. Dad put the egg under an old hen, and every day Chris and I would check to see if it had hatched yet. Twenty-five days seemed like forever. Finally, on the twenty-sixth day, Chris and I walked into the coop (鸡舍) after school to find the old hen scratching on the floor. Behind her was one ball of fluff (绒毛), falling over its feet and looking sort of confusion. When it got older, we could tell that it was a tom. We named it Timothy.(伏笔句)

Timothy grew and grew, dashing towards the feed we threw out. He liked to wander in the woods and find tasty berries and weed seeds. Mom kept telling us not to get too attached to Timothy, because we were going to have him for Thanksgiving. But we never paid too much attention to what that really meant. (伏笔句)

Then, one day toward the end of October, Dad gave Chris and me instructions. “I want you to start giving him corn along with his regular feed,” he said. “We want a nice, thick-fleshed bird for Thanksgiving.” After Dad turned and walked away, Chris’s face began to wrinkle, just as it does before he starts to cry. (伏笔句)

I comforted Chris, saying we could hide Timothy where people couldn’t find him.

关键词以及情节思路(why/how/what ...):

With Timothy gone, Uncle Howard provided another turkey on Thanksgiving.



P1. Chris, I, Uncle Howard —Thanksgiving; handed us one turkey egg

P2. have a fine turkey, Christ was so excited, we named it Timothy(给小鸡起了名字说明我们对它的喜爱)

P3. Mom — kept telling us not to get too attached to Timothy(重要伏笔)

We — never paid too much attention to what that really meant

P4. Dad — want a nice, thick-fleshed bird for Thanksgiving

Chris — wrinkle, cry

1. I comforted Chris, saying we could hide Timothy where people couldn’t find him.


思考二:hide 鸡是被藏起来(不想让父母知道;放生是否合理?;藏鸡成功)


Q1: How to hide Timothy?
Q2: Where to hide?
Q3: What was our feeling?
2.With Timothy gone, Uncle Howard provided another turkey on Thanksgiving.

思考一:What does gone mean? (died / killed错误; lost /disappeared错误;hidden正确)

思考二:the turkey on Thanksgiving
Q1: gone说明第一段要写到成功藏鸡
Q2: What was our feeling when eating the turkey?
Q3: Did Timothy come back? If so, how?
1. I comforted Chris, saying we could hide Timothy where people couldn’t find him.
2.With Timothy gone, Uncle Howard provided another turkey on Thanksgiving.
1. What is the theme?(人与自然;小孩子对动物的依恋之情,不想自己养的动物被杀死)
2. How to end the story?
1.(赵芸禾)Peering at Timothy finding tasty berries in our yard, we all felt as if a surge of warmth travelled through our heart, glittering my whole world.(情景自然式收尾)
2.(钟昊霖)Timothy returned, wandering in the woods and finding his tasty berries and weed seeds.He became part of our family, with whom we grow together. It was the most unforgettable Christmas I have ever had. (总结概括性结尾)
3.(王老师原创)Finally, Timothy survived, who meant the whole world to two pure hearts.The love and attachment to Timothy is actually a respect for life, which attaches special meanings to Thanksgiving.(主旨升华式结尾:敬畏生命)










9. 我drag火鸡就跑




1. The little dog was half awake, growling with soft voice. No amount of surprise and happiness could compare tohis look upon seeing the cute pup.(专题:人狗情未了——Randy的重生)

2. It was hiding in one corner of the box, with a curious look in its eyes. Wagging its tail, it tried to climb out of the box, but it fell down back, unable to stand up. Cheerful and a little nervous, Poppy kept running and barking at the new family member. Poppy threw herself at him and licked his hand and face excitedly, her eyes sparkling with delight and her tail wagging furiously. There was a cute puppy beside Poppy, biting, growling and wagging its tail. (专题:人狗情未了——给Poppy找朋友)

3. When tears welled up and blurred my vision, I could feel her cheek leaning against my feet. Glancing at her sad brown eyes, I knew she could understand my feelings. Time flew by bitterly, but I enjoyed Misty's company.(专题:人狗情未了——遛狗)

4. He sniffed it eagerly, bushy tail wagging. He licked me. 'Bama' returned, bonding us with new friends and helping us go through the darkest time of my life. (专题:人狗情未了——Bama再现)

1. Its ears were pinned back. The bear opened its mouth and I grasped its fur, trying to push it away. I was actually wrestling (扭打) with the bear at this point. My arm could not move, and I sensed that my bones were going to break. Its huge head was level with my chest and shoulders. (专题:熊出没——熊口逃生)

2. He exposed his sharp teeth, glaring at us as he ran forward. And again the bear stood to his back legs, wanting to tear the fence like a monster. It seemed that his mouth was full of blood and his eyes were red with anger. He looked irritated and charged at us again. (专题:熊出没——熊口脱险)

3. Unfortunately, the bear rushed to him. Colin was pushed to the ground and bitten in the left leg. “Ah!” he screamed with the unbearable pain. Blood flowing out, Colin suddenly remembered the knife in his pocket. He stabbed the bear's neck as fast and strong as possible. The bear roared with pain and ran away. (专题:熊出没——人熊大战)

As soon as the curtain was torn off / pulled down, he threw it to the snake as quickly as possible, covering it from head to tail. The snake was wriggling / winding its body in the curtain, which made the frightened family trembling in panic. (专题:人兽“大战”——蛇口脱险)

1. That evening, we spotted the sweet yellow cat wandering around in search of mice. Cheryl's cat meowed freely in the distance.(专题:喵星人——智斗土拨鼠)

2. Upon arrival, the body peered straight at Stevie, who meowed happily. The little boy couldn't help wrapping Stevie in his arms, stroking it back softly. 'Stevie' could mean the whole world to a little boy. Pets are to us what water is to fish. They light up our spirits and heal our weak hearts. Animals can indeed light a lamp and warm a heart.(专题:喵星人——自病症男孩与喵星人)

3. Mr.Quimby looked around, finding Picky-picky under the kitchen table, who meowed happily and enjoyed the pumpkin. But when they took a closer look, they found a different work of art with paw prints decorating everywhere. Laughter crept upon their faces and what an unforgettable day it was. (专题: 喵星人——淘气的喵星人)

Then it attacked the back of Mac's bike, tearing open his tent bag. The wolf's teeth would be tearing into his flesh. With his mouth watering, the wolf paced around the car and howled furiously at them, but just in vain. Realizing it couldn't catch Mac anymore, the wolf ultimately gave up and vanished gloomily. On spotting the wolf swallowed by the road, Mac, bathed in sweats and paralysed with fear, let out a deep sigh. What a narrow escape!(专题:人兽大战——狼口脱险)

1. The bird did not move until Ben came close. Then it tried to fly away, but one wing was broken. Ben lifted the bird and held it close against his body. The bird fought to escape, but soon lay quietly in Ben's arms. (专题:人兽大战——猎人与小鸟)

2. (孟戎宬)Silently, he tip toed to the grass, finding that a bird was helplessly flapping its wings but failed to fly. He took the bird in his hands, stroking its feather, but had no idea how to help with it, sympathetically. Seeing the bird weakly opening its mouth, Ben's heart broke into fragments.




Melia and her father had just finished building a tree house in the backyard. Melia wanted to decorate the walls, and instead of buying things, she decided to make her own art.

Melia enjoyed making collages (拼贴画)using a combination of photos she had taken and pieces of fabric. For her tree house, she thought she would use pictures from magazines instead. She could collect used magazines from neighbors, so the pictures would be free. And to create a collage of all her favorite things, she could add pretty leaves, and fruits of pine trees from the yard.

For several days, Melia collected bits of nature to use for the collage. She also collected magazines from the neighbors. She piled both at the front door, as her plan was to make the collage over the weekend. Oddly, though she added to the piles each day, many of the leaves were gone, and the pile of magazines was a mess.

“Dad? Mom?” Melia asked. “Have either of you been taking the supplies for my collage off the door?” “No, why on earth would we do that?” her dad answered with a question. “I don't know, but what I do know is that someone is spoiling my art project! It's my mission to find out who and why!” Melia decared.

Who would want to steal this stuff? She had a plan. She cleaned up the rest of the leaves and threw the ruined magazines in the recycling bin. She started collecting old magazines again, hoping to set a trap. Even if she had to stay up all night, Melia was determined to solve the case.

Once she had collected a large pile of magazines, Melia formed several piles at the front door. She placed them close to the window so that she could catch the thief. She asked her parents if she could sleep on the sofa. 'I know they're used magazines, but I need them for my art project. I have to solve this case!'

Melia was determined to catch the thief, but she had a difficult time staying awake. Within a few hours, she nodded off. Just as the sun was rising, a slight sound awoke her.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式作答。

Melia looked through the window, and her eyes opened wide!______________________
Melia ran back into the house, shouting, “It’s a squirel! Wake up! Come to the tree house and look !”_________________________________
