无心剑译作——英译奥修《Attitude Toward Life 对生命的态度》


The best way to miss life is to hold a certain attitude. Attitude comes from mind, but life surpasses mind. Attitude is nothing but our bias and invention. Life is not created by us, on the contrary, we are just some ripples on the lake of life.


What attitude toward the sea can a spoondrift have? What attitude can a grass-blade have toward the earth, moon, sun and stars? All attitudes are egoistic and stupid.


Life is neither a philosophy nor a problem but a mystery. You can neither live according to a certain way nor live abstemiously according to what you have ever been taught. You have to restart from scratch.


Everyone should think of himself as the first person on this earth: he is Adam or she is Eva. Then you may open up to the limitless potentiality, you will have courage to risk taking and seeing the true nature of existence, and the more risks you take, the more enlightened you'll become. So, tremendous possibility of life will arise in you.


Your attitude functions as a barrier: if your attitude is based on a philosophy, religion and ideology, life itself cannot touch you. When your life must adapt to a certain philosophy, religion and ideology, some quality of life will die in this adaptive process, finally you just get a corpse, which seems alive but is actually dead.


People have done so in all ages, Hindus live according to Hinduism, Muslims live according to Islam, and so-and-so lives according to such-and-such ism. But, remember a most fundamental and essential fact: an attitude (a belief) doesn't allow you to touch life itself but contorts or distorts life.


When you have some attitude toward life, you will miss life itself. Life is so vast and cannot be contained by any attitude, and it is impossible to define life. Certainly, your attitude may contain some aspect of life, but just one aspect, and yet the mind intends to look upon one aspect as the whole, but when one aspect is looked upon as the whole, you will lose connection with life. Your whole life is affected by your attitude, which means you restrict your activities to a designated area, and you will live a miserable life. Then your so-called religion will be very satisfied, for it is just what they have told you: life is painful.


Buddha says, birth is a pain, old age is a pain, sickness is a pain, and death is a pain. The whole life is an endless tragedy. If you start from your own attitude, you will find Buddha is absolutely right: you just prove it.


But I want to tell you that life is not a pain, I do not agree with Buddha's viewpoint at all. Life becomes painful only because of you, otherwise life is eternal joy. But if you want to know eternal joy, you must open your heart and unfasten your hands.


Don't approach life by clenching your fists. Unfasten your hands and step into life very naively. Attitude is cunning, which means you have determined it without any further attempt or experience. Certainly, those conclusions are there beforehand, and you will find them proved by your life. In fact, life does not prove any of those conclusions, but your mind tries to find methods, means and proofs to support those conclusions.


I want to teach you a life without any attitude. It is the most fundamental principle in my experience: if you want to know the truth of life, you should throw away all philosophies and isms, then, unfasten your hands, enter the sunshine with nothing on and take a look at it for what it is.


In the past, the human's sense organ is a gateway, through which true existence goes to our innermost being. The latest research shows: our sense organ is not only a gateway but also a guard. Only 2 percent of information is permitted to enter, while 98 percent of information is rejected. Any things that contradict to your life outlook are bound to be rejected; since only 2 percent of information can permeate into your life.


It cannot be regarded as a life with only 2 percent of life. When a person can have a hundred percent life, why will he determine to have only 2 percent of life?


You ask me: is it very important to hold a certain attitude toward life?


It is not only unimportant but also dangerous to hold any attitude toward life. Why don't you allow life to have its own cheerful dancing and singing without any expectations? Why can't we live without any expectations? Why can't we just live directly in the existence? Why will we put ourselves above life? No one will be a loser. If you impose your attitude on your life, you will be the only loser.


You had better not label, frame, normalize or demarcate life but let it go without any fixed conclusions, and then you will have more beautiful and universal experiences. Things are not really separated; the existence is an organic entity with orgasm. The smallest grass or leaf is as important as the biggest star.


The smallest is also the biggest. For existence is a whole and a spectrum, once you separate it, you just begin to create an opinionated boundary and definition, which makes humans miss life and its profound mysteries.


All of us have various attitudes, which result in our pain. We only view things based on a certain standpoint, so our life becomes indigent, for each facet is only a layer of the multifaceted life at most, therefore, you must become more liquid and changeable, easier to melt and absorb in your life; don't become an observer, nothing needs to be solved. Don't look on life as a problem; it is a very beautiful mystery. Go and drink it, the mellow wine! Be a drunkard who drinks the wine of life!


