R.E.M.《Losing My Religion》
Everyday music

歌名:《Losing My Religion》

[Verse 1]
Oh, life is bigger
It's bigger than you and you are not me
The lengths that I will go to the distance in your eyes
Oh no, I've said too much, I set it up
That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you and I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much, I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
[Verse 2]
Every whisper of every waking hour I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no, I've said too much, I set it up
Consider this, consider this, the hint of the century
Consider this the slip that brought me to my knees, failed
What if all these fantasies come flailing around?
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
That's me in the corner, that's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you and I don't know if I can do it
Oh now, I've said too much, I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
But that was just a dream
Try, cry, why try?
That was just a dream, just a dream
Just a dream, dream

今天分享一首R.E.M. 的《Losing My Religion》。
这首歌1991年2月作为单曲发行,后收录在专辑《Out of Time》中。它是R.E.M最热门的歌曲,在公告牌流行音乐排行榜上排名第四,在主流摇滚和现代摇滚排行榜上排名第一。
很多人从歌名出发,觉得这首歌跟宗教信仰有关,实际这一词是美国南部地区的一种表达,表示发脾气或“不知所措”,意味着情况会变得很糟,您可能会失去对上帝的信仰。对一个人“losing religion”,可能意味着对那个特定的人失去了信心。歌词的创作者,R.E.M.乐队主唱Michael Stipe说,这首歌是关于“痴迷”和“单恋”的,而那是力量与危险的结合。在接受《Top 2000》采访时表示,“我很喜欢写一首关于单恋的歌。”单恋,可谓是人类创作的热门主题。山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君君不知。
曲子部分起源于吉他手 Peter Buck对曼陀林的尝试。当他回放自己第一次尝试的录音时,他听到了这个即兴段落,觉得这可能是一首歌曲的好基础。1991年,在解释这首歌是如何在音乐上结合起来的时候,Buck说:“我一开始用曼陀林,想出了即兴段和副歌。这些从一个和弦到另一个小和弦的方式是R.E.M. 经常使用的。你不能对E小和弦,A小和弦,D和G和弦说什么坏话,我的意思是,它们都是很好的和弦。然后我们在录音室里进行创作——它是用电子贝斯、鼓和曼陀林创作的。所以它有一种空虚的感觉。完全没有中频,只有低频和高频的声音,因为 Mike的声音通常都很低。就在那时,我们决定请Peter (Holsapple)和我们一起录音,他在这首歌中现场演奏了原声吉他。Peter和我坐在我们的小卡座里,汗流浃背,Bill和Michael则在另一个房间里忙着。”