TE||A woman of no importance






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A woman of no importance



A woman of no importance



Christine Keeler, the woman at the centre of the Profumo scandal in the 1960s, died on December 4th, aged 75


GROWINGup in Wraysbury, Berks, she never thought she was beautiful. Young girls didn’tknow such things. Cheeks were too rosy, her teeth were too big, and she had ahabit of chewing her lower lip when she was thinking. She hated her breasts,too. She would much rather be a tomboy, riding a bike without brakes andswimming with the local lads in the gravel pits. Shecouldn’t understand why her stepfather tried to kiss her and put vapour-rub on her chest when she had colds. But it didn’ttake her long to realise that she, Christine Keeler, had a crazy effect on men.


She still insisted on hiding her bust whenshe posed for that photo, theone that for millions of people summed up the Swinging Sixties and sexual liberation in Britain. There she was, naked or near enough on a fake designer chair. Pouting, daring, glowing with sexual power. The woman whose simultaneous affairs with John Profumo, the war minister, and Yev- geni Ivanov,a Soviet naval attaché, put her at the crux of cold-warpolitics. The wom-an the FBI spied on, codename “Bowtie”, and who brought down Harold Macmil- lan’s Conservative government. Looking back, it was staggering to contemplate the role she had played in English history.

她在拍摄自己的那张标志性照片时,仍坚持把胸部藏起来,这张照片成为摇摆的六十年代英国性解放时期的象征。在照片里,她横跨在一把椅上,赤身全裸或者近乎全裸,微撅着嘴,眼神勇敢无畏,又满腔热情,好像燃烧着欲望之火。她同时和不同的人发生关系,其中包括英国的战务大臣约翰·普罗富莫(John Profumo),苏联的海军武官尤金·伊万诺夫(Yev- geni Ivanov),这复杂的关系让她成为冷战政治的关键。联邦调查局暗中监视她,并将行动取名“蝴蝶结”,也正是因为她,哈罗德·麦克米伦(Harold Macmil- lan)领导的保守党政府倒台。回望过去,很难想象她竟然能够在英国历史上扮演如此“重要”的角色。

1.时尚引领者,后来很多模仿克莉丝汀·基勒拍类似照片,其中包括国内第一男模胡兵,具体可参看:Christine Keeler的悲惨一生

2.Swinging Sixties:上世纪 60 年代是一个希望和危险并存的奇异世界,冷战的阴影横亘在地球两端,东西方两大阵营的军备竞争却已经蔓延到外太空。巴黎的时代先锋们迅速捕捉到了新观念的气息,1960 年代的着装风格,以“解放身体”为主导思想,瓦解了战后华丽典雅的时装风格。这一时期有个响当当的名号:摇摆的 60 年代(Swinging Sixties)。而在“摇摆的 60 年代”最具时代意义的设计,便是解放了女人双腿的迷你裙。http://www.haibao.com/article/194060.htm

3. 首相麦克米伦辞职:1963年6月5日,Profumo承认自己在和Keeler的关系问题上撒了谎,并且被迫辞职。淫乱的丑闻震惊了英国政坛上下,包括当时的首相麦克米伦,他简直不敢相信一向稳重识大体的Profumo居然会做出这种荒唐事情……更可惜的是,这个被称为“普罗富莫事件”的丑闻沸沸扬扬了大半年,对麦克米伦的政府造成了毁灭性的打击,更是直接导致了他本人的病情恶化。在Profumo辞职仅仅一个月之后,麦克米伦就选择了辞去首相职位,尽管很快换人顶替,但还是无济于事。来年保守党就被工党击败,其中“普罗富莫事件”一再被工党用作利器,对保守党政府进行攻击。

Not that it always seemed that way at the time. She was a showgirl of 17 at Murray’s in Soho whenshe met Stephen Ward, who introduced her to Profumo. For posing topless in ared-lit dingy room she got £8.50 a week, which just about fed the gas meter.But Stephen took her back to his flat in Bayswater, not to sleep with her, butto offer her round to rich patients of his osteopathy practice. Straight awayshe became his coffeemaker and let him set the rules of her life. He called her “little baby”, and liked to hear all the details of her affairs, though when she protested that one of his heavies had raped her he didn’t seem bothered, as long as she had no bruises.


Stephen Ward:在当时, Stephen Ward非常有名。他不仅是骨科医生还是肖像画家。他的客户包括了众多在当时声名显赫的人物,从丘吉尔到甘地,从影星伊丽莎白·泰勒到歌手弗兰克·辛纳屈。从政坛到娱乐圈,从贵族到黑帮,都有他的相识。就是这样一个在当时英国举足轻重的人物,像无数少女梦中的骑士一样,从夜总会带走了Keeler,和她住在了一起,出入成双成对。他给了她从未有过的关怀和安全感,更给了她从未享受过的物质和野心,对于年仅17岁的Keeler来说,Ward就是她的依赖。但是,Ward这样做并不是因为他爱上了Keeler,也不是想要占有Keeler让她做自己的情妇,而是另有所图……




具体可参看:Christine Keeler的一生无比悲凉

Her beauty gave her such power in those days. She moved in for a while with Peter Rachman, the most notorious slum landlord in London, who showered her with diamonds. She was his possession, but why should she care? She was swanning through high society having mostly larks and a laugh, so it was no surprise that when she met Profumo, “Jack” to her, she happened to be swimming naked in Lord Astor’s pool at Cliveden. They had an affair for amonth or so. Little did he know that the girl he so eagerly thrust to the sofa had also slept with a Soviet agent! Little did he know that Stephen was a spymaster, who probably used her as a decoy while he stole papers from Jack’s briefcase, and wanted her to winkle out from him exactly when Soviet nuclearwarheads were being moved to Germany. She could do that,because she knew about East-West relations; and if she didn’t do it, it wasonly because she would not betray her country.

在那些日子里,基勒的美貌赋予了她力量。基勒和伦敦最臭名昭著的贫民窟房东彼得·拉赫曼(Peter Rachman)同居过一段时间,他送过基勒一些钻石。彼得视基勒为他的财产,但是基勒并不在意。基勒大部分时间游走在上流社会,与名流淫欢作乐,所以一点也不奇怪,基勒在阿斯特位于尔克利夫登的别墅游泳池里裸泳时遇上化名为“杰克” 的普罗富莫。他们在一起有个把月,当时普罗富莫做梦也不会想到这位让他魂牵梦绕的女子竟然和苏联特工有过一腿。他更不会想到斯蒂夫·沃特是个间谍头子,斯蒂夫·沃特很可能把基勒当作诱饵以便从他的公文包里偷走文件,亦或从他嘴里打听一些消息,因为当时苏联正把核弹头转移至德国。基勒当然可以这样做,因为她知道东西方国家的关系;如果她没有这样做,那一定是因为她不想背叛她的国家。

Establishment believed her tales, the tall ones or even the true ones. So when Jack told the House of Commons he had no improper acquaintance with her, that was it. She wasa bad girl, as all girls were bad who had a bit of sex in those days. She too felt she was really bad at 15 when she lost her virginity: damaged goods, andit was worse still later when she tried to abort her baby with a pen, but what could you do? It was impossible to speak up for yourself.


Immoral earnings


Lord Denning, who wrote the report on Jack’s case, told her to keep quiet and behave. His report said there had been no security risk, and called her a prostitute. She wasn’t, as she’d almost never slept with men for money. Then Jack told someone that she was completely uneducated and couldn’t talk about anything except make-up, hair and gramophone records. Well, she might have left school at15, but she was addicted to cryptic crosswords. She had principles, too, as good as anybody else’s. And she might be a tart, as Macmillan called her, but she wasn’t a scrubber. She dressedwell and always had style. Worst of all was the title the press fastened on her for ever and ever and ever, “vice queen”. All the shame and all the blame.


1.    Lord Denning: 阿尔弗雷德·汤普森·丹宁(Alfred Thompson Denning)是二战后英国最著名的法官和享有世界声誉的法学家之一。由于其在法律方面的突出贡献,在他58岁时,被封为丹宁勋爵(Lord),成为终身贵族。具体参考:



After the whole mess came out in 1963,and Stephen was charged with living off immoral earnings—but killed himself before the verdict—and Jack resigned, she lost allher protectors. For a while she hoped her fame might get her into films, buther nervous screen test went nowhere. Nor did modelling or journalism. She had always smoked, but now she smoked too much, and kept sliding down to grotty council flats and life on benefits. Rock bottom. Two marriages turned out badly, except for two sons, and even one of those grew up estranged from her. She supposed she was probably tooinsecure to love.


Her strength lay in reminding herself how powerful she had been. Over the years sheproduced, with help, four books, promoting each one as truer than the last andfuller of spy-details which only she knew. From her grey solitary life of catsand bird-feeding and slopping in shabby clothes to the shops she took herself back to her glory days of international importance. For sex was just a game,but spying was serious. Although she had to admit that the real Christine had disappeared somewhere along the way: perhaps around the time she had firstrealised she could turn men’s heads in the street, because she was so eautiful.




Neil,  男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉


Lucia ,女,翻译学硕士三年制,经济学人粉丝





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