Food Ink: The Word First 3D Printing Restaurant


Food Ink: The Word First 3D Printing Restaurant


As the development of the science and technology, the 3D Printing is no longer a stranger to the general public. However, most of them regard the 3D Printing as the distant thing which is too far away from our daily life! Especially, the 3D Printing food and the 3D Printing restaurant which can be rarely seen. At present, the first 3D Printing Restaurant Food Ink has just appeared in the street of London in Britain which delighted the whole world.


In Food Ink, not only all the foods are made of 3D Printing but also all the dinnerware and decorations are made of that such as all the knives and forks, spoons, lamps, cups and the rose vase. What makes the difference is that they come from different selected materials. And, the materials are all healthy such as ceramic, wood and so on.


As the story goes, Food Ink just open for three nights in London this time. Moreover, all the diners should make reservations in advance and the quota of the consumers is limited. In seven minutes, the 30 seats sold out with charging 250 British pounds a head which costs a great fortune. In contrast to the common restaurants, the all nine dishes provided by Food Ink are all customized and no other choices are available. Moreover, all foods are made by the machine on the spot. And the diners need to wait several minutes and enjoy them. However, it does have a different and special feeling as you witness the food cooking as you are waiting!


At the moment, we can’t taste the 3D Printing foods. Instead, we should take a look at them. Will you make complaints?


Carnivores’ Paradise 肉食者的天堂

Childlike Fun 童趣

Inner and Outer of the Town 城里城外

Temptation of Chocolate 巧克力诱惑

Clusters of Fruits 硕果累累

Totem 图腾

The good news is coming. It is said that Food Ink plans to take a world tour to 20 countries in the coming days such as Dubai, Berlin, Rome, New York and Las Vegas. The organizer of Food Ink hopes to set up a permanent restaurant eventually. But it remains unknown that Food Ink will prefer where to settle down.



3 D食物打印机采用了一种全新的电子蓝图系统,不仅方便打印食物,同时也能帮助人们设计出不同样式的食物。该打印机所使用的"墨水"均为可食用性的原料,如巧克力汁、面糊、奶酪等。一旦人们在电脑上画好食物的样式图并配好原料,电子蓝图系统便会显示出打印机的操作步骤,完成食物的"搭建"工程。这款食物打印机将大大简化食物的制作过程,同时也能够帮助人们制作出更加营养、健康而且有趣地食品,3D食物打印机上市后,可供家庭及餐馆等不同场所使用。

Will you afford 250 British pounds to enjoy the 3D Printing foods?

本月共读《The Great Gatsbty》英文版


☞ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

