NIO House | West Lake is an automotive gallery and clubhouse for the visionary EV company NIO. It blends the company brand with West Lake culture, giving consumers a multi-sensory understanding of NIO’s environmentally-rooted brand philosophy.
开业三年后,SHL建筑事务所合伙人Chris Hardie再次来到平静旷远的西子湖畔,重温这座与自然和谐相融的建筑。
Three years after its opening, Chris Hardie, SHL’s Principal and Design Director, comes back and talks about our studio’s long-running relationship with NIO.
蔚来中心 杭州西湖 X Chris Hardie
NIO House | West Lake X Chris Hardie
Chris在SHL位于上海市中心的办公室©SHL / NIO
Q: Congratulations of the 3rd anniversary of your first NIO House. Can you explain how you began working with NIO?
Chris Hardie:谢谢。我第一次见到William(李斌)是在2017年,那时蔚来还被称为NextEV,但即将推出电动汽车品牌蔚来NIO。NextEV已经有了一支电动方程式赛车队,也设计出了令人惊叹的电动超跑EP9和他们对未来汽车的愿景——无人自动驾驶汽车EVE;不过市场上还没有在售的蔚来汽车,ES8还暂未上市。
Chris Hardie:Thanks. I first met William [Li Bin] in 2017. NIO was known as Next EV back then but were just about to launch their NIO brand. Next EV had their Formula E team, and they had designed the amazing EP9 and their vision of the future with their autonomous car EVE. Their ES8 had not been launched yet so they had no car on the market.
Although we were not 100% sure what the project was at the time, we were drawn by William and the company and their drive to do things differently.
2017年,Chris与NIO蔚来创始人李斌的第一次会面 ©SHL
Q: So, you did not know what the project was?
Chris Hardie:[ 笑 ] 的确不是很了解,不过我们已经有了一个初步的想法。但当我们开始介绍SHL设计的文化项目,特别是图书馆项目时,蔚来的团队才说:“这就是我们想要的!”
Chris Hardie:[Laughs] Not exactly, but we had an idea. It was only after we started talking about our work with cultural projects, particularly our library projects that the team at NIO said – “this is what we want to create!”
国内首座获得国际图联“年度最佳公共图书馆”提名的图书馆©Adam Mørk
Chris Hardie:蔚来中心不仅要为蔚来的用户们提供方便,它还将成为一个社区。这里有一种家的感觉,为蔚来社区提供了第三空间,而这正是我们过去20多年在图书馆的设计实践中一直在讨论和解决的问题。
Chris Hardie:The whole concept of NIO House, aside from providing convenience every NIO owner, was to allow a community to form. It was to create the feeling of home and provide a third space for the NIO com-munity. This is exactly what we have been discussing and developing in our library projects for the last twenty years.
Chris Hardie:对我而言,蔚来最有趣的一点,是他们并不认为自己是一家汽车公司,而更像一种传播生活方式的公司——汽车只是影响和改变人们生活方式的载体。你可以从无人自动驾驶汽车EVE的设计中发现这一点:汽车如何通过设计关心人,汽车如何影响你的生活和社区体验并让人们产生共鸣。
Chris Hardie:The interesting thing about NIO is they don’t really consider themselves a car company, but more like a lifestyle company – the car is just a catalyst for effecting how you live your life. You could see that with the design of EVE. This focus on people, and how what they did affected your experience of life and community was something we felt an affinity with immediately.
Q: How did the West Lake project start? How does the design reflect these ideas?
Chris Hardie:我们在2017年与蔚来合作蔚来中心杭州西湖店,那是我第一次来到西湖。蔚来Logo的寓意是“Blue Sky Coming (蔚来已来)”,代表着驶向地平线——天地之间的联系象征着蔚来的愿景和行动。当站在西湖边时,我们眼里的世界变得很简单:一条广阔的地平线,把水和山区分开,这就像是蔚来Logo的现实版本。
Chris Hardie:I had never been to West Lake back in 2017, so when I visited the site, it was my first time to experi-ence the area. NIO has a tagline 'Blue Sky Coming’, and its logo represents driving off into the hori-zon – the connection between the earth and the sky translating into action now, and vision for the future. When you stand on the edge of West Lake the world becomes a simpler place and you are immedi-ately presented with a vast horizon separating the water and the mountains beyond. It was like the real time version of what NIO stands for.
Trying to create a community of NIO users that are connected across China, it immediately became important that this NIO House said something about the place. At the same time NIO were very explicit about their values so we began to look at the site though the gauge of these values.
Q: What were the specific aspects of the site that influenced the design?
Chris Hardie:三个因素决定了人们在西湖的视觉体验。首先是光线,尤其是光线的质量;其次是围绕着西湖的自然环境和绿植;最后一个因素是波光粼粼的水面与地平线的连接。
Chris Hardie:The location of West Lake has three main aspects that define the visual experience of being there. The first is the light, and in particular the quality of that light.
The second is the nature and greenery that surrounds the lake, and the final aspect is the water itself and the constant connection to a constant flickering horizon.
Chris Hardie:在做室内设计前,我们研究了蔚来汽车干净的线条和温暖的色调。值得注意的是,我们设计室内空间的时候,蔚来汽车还没有上市销售,所以这些汽车设计理念还停留在概念阶段。
Chris Hardie:For the interior we studied the clean lines and warm tones of the NIO car. Bearing in mind that the car was not yet on the market when we were designing this – so it was still a car that did not exist yet.
Chris Hardie:最后,地平线作为蔚来品牌的象征性元素,我们想要在项目中诠释这个概念。
Chris Hardie:Finally, the horizon of West Lake that I mentioned before became this powerful reference to the NIO brand. We wanted to play with this idea of horizon in the project somehow.
Chris Hardie:建筑上层的镜面玻璃幕墙象征了映射西湖的天空,而地平线和水面则充当了展厅底层空间的天花。
Chris Hardie:The sky of West Lake is literally applied to the existing buildings upper levels as a mirror glass façade, while the horizon and water acts as a ceiling to the main ground floor gallery.
Q: Can you talk about the material choice for the space?
Chris Hardie:我们尽可能使材料的种类简单——只有三种主要材料:水磨石,花旗松和金属镜面。水磨石是为了感受与地面的联系,从墙面到地板,再到湖——打破了用户和汽车之间的界限。金属镜面象征着水面和地平线——当你成为NIO社区的一员并进入上层的“客厅”时,你就突破了地平线。当然,它也有很多实际的体验,参观者可以通过360度的视角,从各个角度了解汽车。金属镜面同时也激活了空间,它将空间里的人们从潜意识层面联系在一起,从而创造了社区的理念——我们都在一起。
Chris Hardie:We deliberately kept the material palette simple – just three materials really – terrazzo, Douglas fir timber and reflective metal. The terrazzo was all about feeling the connection to the ground and folding from the wall to the floor and out to the lake – breaking down the boundary or threshold between the user and the car. The reflective metal started as a reference to the water and the horizon – you broke through the horizon when you became part of the NIO community and entered the NIO House above. However, it also had a lot of practical applications especially in the sense you saw the car. It allowed visitors to understand the design that had gone into every single aspect of the car by giving you a 360 view. It also activates the space and connects you across it. You become aware of other people in the space more and are subconsciously connected to them. It helps create the idea of community – we are all in this together.
Q: This was you first NIO House, but you have done many more since then. Can you talk about a few of them?
Chris Hardie:到目前为止,我们目前一共设计了7个蔚来中心。每个设计既延续了一贯的设计理念又因地制宜。你可以从下方的链接中了解其中几个蔚来中心的详情。
Chris Hardie:We have designed seven NIO House projects now. The design concepts are continuous, as well as creative to blend in the local context. You can know more about some of these NIO Houses from the links below.
蔚来中心 郑州正弘城
蔚来中心 上海太古汇