专访 | 不忘初心,哥大毕业建筑师在知名事务所追梦的5年记录

This week, we present an exclusive interview with a young architect, Susie Jiang (referred to as Susie), who has12 years of architectural study and work experience. She will share some of the interesting projects she designed while as an architect in various well-known firms, as well as her academic projects as a student. It is worth mentioning that, as a young architect who received education from prestigious architectural universities in China and the United States during her undergraduate and graduate studies, Susie has always been deeply engaged in front-line design work in the architectural industry. Years of working experience has enabled her to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of architectural design. So, let's see what she has to share with you from this interview!

「 设计师介绍 」

Basic info


Susie Jiang

Columbia University GSAPP
AICO Shanghai   Architect
Aecom Shanghai   Assistant Architect
MAD Beijing   Junior Architect

建筑师。本科毕业于浙江大学建筑工程学院建筑系,研究生毕业于哥伦比亚大学,建筑学硕士。实习期间于MAD Architects参与2013北京国际设计周“月境”展览设计(已建成)。本科期间曾参加清华大学非线性暑期课程,UCL巴特雷特学院暑期课程。工作中于Aecom参与绿地昆明总部概念设计,杭州树兰医院设计,南宁云星中央广场设计等;于AICO Shanghai参与合肥肥西旭辉广场设计(建设中)。

Self introduction: As an architect, I received the bachelor's degree in Zhejiang University, and the master's degree in Architecture from Columbia University. During my internship, Iparticipated in the "Moon Landscape" exhibition design of 2013 Beijing International Design Week(completed) at MAD Architects. During my undergraduate years, I participated in the Nonlinear Summer Program of Tsinghua University and the summer program of UCL Bartlett School. At Aecom, I participated in the concept design of Greenland Kunming headquarters, Hangzhou Shulan Hospital, Nanning Yunxing Central Square, etc. Also I Participated in the Hefei CIFI Plaza (under construction) at AICO Shanghai.
「 建筑师的工作生活 」
The working life as an architect

01. Susie老师在从哥大建筑设计专业毕业之后一直都在北京和上海等地的知名建筑事务所从事建筑设计工作,可以看出来对做建筑师还是很“专一”的。当年刚回国时你是如何制定自己的职业规划的呢?

Susie has been working in well-known architectural firms in Beijing and Shanghai since she graduated from Columbia University, majoring in architectural design. It can be seen that she is dedicated to being an architect. How did you make your career plan when you first came back?


Susie: I personally think that career planning can't keep up with changes. For me, my insistence is that I want to be a mature architect, and I am eager to know how to control every detail of the project from the beginning of the concept till completed. I think the most important thing in life is to keep a strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Only by keeping this beginner's mind can we make the right decision based on our own needs.

02. 在几年的建筑工作生涯中,哪个建筑项目最令你印象深刻,或对你的工作方法带来了改变?

In all your years of architectural practice, which project has impressed you the most or made a difference to your approach to work?



'Digital Crystal’的展览,意在探索数码时代里记忆的概念。本次展览展出了马岩松等五位亚洲新锐设计师特别制作的作品,同时还有来自设计师Ron Arad、Arik Levy等共十五件作品。每一位设计师以不同的方式,诠释着记忆如何在数码时代被人们感知,也探讨人类对事物、环境和时间不断变化的关系。”——引自mad官方网站http://www.i-mad.com/zh-hans/post-art/moon-landscape/

Susie: What impressed me most was the "Moon Landscape" project I participated in as one of the design team during 2013 Beijing International Design Week. It was the first completed work I participated in in my life, and I was honored to participate in every detail from concept design till completion.

“The mountain-shaped “Moon landscape” is both exhibition space as well as a piece of exhibited artwork; it is composed by a group of black polyhedron structures, extending from indoor to outdoor. Walking through the black winding spaces, which feels as a surreal time travel, visitors will see each art piece in turnin each mount. When visitors go up with the stairs at the end of the journey to the overhead of the mountain, they will see the lighting digital moon, hanging over the silhouette-like mountain hills. The surface of moon subtly changes with time between natural scenes to digital image, indicating eternality from past to future.

The Swarovski “Digital Crystal” exhibition collaborates with some of the most exciting design talents to explore the concept of memory in the fast-developing digital age. Five newly commissioned pieces are from Ma Yansong, Liu Feng, Li Dinghan, ShiJianmin, and Songtao, alongside art pieces from Western designers such as RonArad, Arik Levy, Maarten Baas, Random International, and Yves Béhar. Every designer explores with their unique perspectives how memory is felt in the digital age, as well as the relation between people and the constant change of things, environment and time.

-- from MAD's official website http://www.i-mad.com/zh-hans/post-art/moon-landscape/

03. 未来有机会的话,最想尝试做哪种类型的建筑项目?
What kind of project do you want to try to do in the future?

Susie: If I have the chance in the future, I hope I can start from some small building projects independently, and realize the inspiration and thinking I had when I was a student. If there is a project with my own style landing in the future, it will be a great honor to have a look at it and recall my design career.

04. 这两年受到社会环境影响,就业竞争激烈。对于今年的建筑专业应届生们有什么就业建议呢?
In the past two years, competition for employment has been fierce due to the social environment. What career advice do you have for this year's architectural graduates?
Susie: From my experience, the first internship or job for an architecture student is very important. It's a window to the real world, a bridge to the practice of architecture. It plays a very important role in cultivating professional quality and professional spirit of architecture students. My advice is to carefully choose a platform that suits you, based on your own style and characteristics. Time is moving fast, but it's important for an architect to slow down, and be yourself.
「 建筑师的学习发展之路 」
The learning life as an architect

05. Susie当时在留学前选择的就读的院校及国家主要看重哪些条件?

What is valued the most when it comes to choose graduate schools?


Susie: The most important thing I value is the openness of the college. The degree of freedom in choosing studios at Columbia allows students of every style to find their own direction. On this basis, the city where the college is located is also important. Living in Manhattan, New York, the architectural cases in books have become the landscape of daily life, which has imperceptible greatly nourished the horizons of architecture students.

06. 回顾一下,留学期间的学习对自己带来最大的帮助和成长有哪些?

In retrospect, what is the greatest help and growth that graduate school has brought to you?


下面是秋季课程的作品。设计从研究美国艺术家Frank Stella的作品开始,然后转为三维的物理模型设计。我运用热胶和颜料混合来模拟Frank Stella的立体画。同样的方式被运用到面到体的生成,形成了一个多姿多彩的亭子(中期汇报)。在终期汇报中,我运用同样的手法设计了一个有机的桥。对于我而言,真正启发的是不同材质间的混合。如果在物理模型的设计中,热胶能够和颜料混合,那么在实际建造的过程中,不同的建筑材料也许也可以互相融合着混合。这也许是建筑新材料产生的起点。

Susie: My study at Columbia University was full of exploration of free forms and a new understanding of spatial composition.

Here is the work from the fall studio. The studio started from research on Frank Stella, the artist, then turned into three dimensional physical model making. I used hot glue mixed with pigments to simulate one of Frank Stella’s painting. Same way was used to create all the surfaces, forming a colorful canopy. For the final presentation, a colorful organic bridge and multiple walls were created. What inspired me the most, is the fusion of different materials. It occurred to me that if hot glue can be mixed with pigments in physical models, then different architectural materials can be mixed to the fabricative level. It might be a breaking point for new architectural material making.



This is a Columbia Spring Studio Project, and my tutors are Dwayne Oyler and Jenny Wu. This studio looks at the role of sectional architectural objects (ei, semi-autonomous architectural elements place within larger architectural elements or spaces). Of particular interest is the increasing overlap and intersection of multi-use spaces and dual programs, and strategic architectural strategies for theirco-existence. Beginning with the embedment of one space within the other (and, consequently, one program within the other) the project looks closely at ways each program/space might work to both amplify its perceptual existence within the other (in other words, how does it maintain its autonomy and make its presence known?), and how does it find ways to seamlessly engage its counterpart at other moments.
What I did is basically making a big cut into the volume, and injecting an external object into it. As it is shown in my portfolio, the complexity of the sectional design makes the space blurred (for example, the walls and the floors are difficult to distinguish). And I think it’s an exciting attempt to obscure the boundary between architectural elements.

07. 在“内卷”严重的今天,你认为哪些学习方法可以帮助建筑师不断提高自己的专业度和竞争力呢?

In today's serious "internal involution", what learning methods do you think can help architects to continuously improve their professional degree and competitiveness?


Susie: It's essential to keep up to date with the latest developments in the industry. On this basis, continue to explore your interest points. Find your passion in your day-to-day work, and then go deep into it. The learning methods are expanded based on their own interests and vary from person to person. However, the nights and hardships you have endured for design, as well as the countless sweat you have left, will always support all the architects to go on.

08. 你认为对于一个青年建筑师来说,哪些技能是成为优秀的职业建筑师必不可少的?

What skills do you think are essential for a young architect to be a good professional architect?


Susie: Mature software skills are very important. On this basis, the architect needs to hone his patience and vision. Differences in detail often make an architect great or not. I am also on my way to become more professional. Always on the road!

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