



二、重要句型或语法1、动词的形式变化本课主要对比复习第60课、第69课出现的动词的用法,其中,第60课主要是关于动词在时间和条件状语从句中的“主将从现”的用法,而第69课主要是关于动词在被动语态中如果在从句里要改为分词短语的用法。如:The moment she arrives , I will let you know.If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.After being arrested, the man confessed that he had stolen the money.【推荐阅读】更多相关内容,请查看下面的文章:英语条件状语从句的用法大全英语里的被动语态掌握这些内容就够了!

三、课文主要语言点When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.1)ambassador,大使。2)Escolopia,这是作者虚构的国名。估计是借用了Ethiopia(埃塞俄比亚)的国名。3)get a shock,感到震惊。相当于be greatly surprised。4)pale,苍白的。5)be in a frightful state,样子可怕或不成样子。frightful,可怕的。源自名词fright,其动词为frighten。What has happened?' she asked. 'How did your clothes get into such a mess?' 'A fire extinguisher, my dear,' answered the Ambassador drily. 'University students set the Embassy on fire this morning.'1)get into a mess,乱七八糟。mess,混乱。其形容词为messy。2)fire extinguisher,灭火器。注意extinguisher源自动词extinguish,表示熄灭、扑灭。3)drily,冷淡地、枯燥无味地。源自形容词dry(枯燥的)。4)set...on fire,放火烧...。5)embassy,大使馆。Good heavens!' exclaimed his wife. 'And where were you at the time?' 'I was in my office as usual,' answered the Ambassador. 'The fire broke out in the basement. I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I must definitely get that fellow posted.'1)Good heavens!,天啊!相当于My god!或My goodness!。2)exclaim,欢呼、喝彩。其名词为exclamation,形容词为exclamatory。3)as usual,和往常一样。4)break out,爆发。5)basement,地下室6)aim sth. at sb.,把某物对准某人。7)be on fire,着火。8)definitely,肯定地。9)get sb. posted,调走某人。post在句中表示“派遣”。The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat.1)go on doing,继续做(同一件)事。注意与go on to do(接着做另一件事)的区别。2)when在句中表示“然后”,意思相当于then。And how can you explain that?' she asked. 'Oh, that,' said the Ambassador. 'Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, don't you think? Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.'1)注意第一句话中的that用了斜体,朗读时要重读,以起到强调作用。这里的that是指the big hole in the hat。2)fire a shot,开枪。3)accurate,准确的。其名词为accuracy(准确性)。4)注意最后一句用了虚拟语气,是针对过去发生的事情的虚拟。

四、课文摘要The Ambassador of Escalopia was in his office when university students set the Embassy basement on fire. While the Ambassador was trying to check it, a man called Horst aimed a fire extinguisher at him thinking that the Ambassador was on fire. Besides, there was a hole in the Ambassador's hat, which had been made when someone fired a shot through his office window. It was so lucky that the Ambassador was not wearing it then.




