惊绝:原型师亚当·比恩(Adam Beane)Cx5雕塑材料的发明者,自学成才的雕塑师!

亚当·比恩(Adam Beane)在成为雕塑家之后,不满足于传统的雕塑材料,潜心研发出一种叫做Cx5的雕塑材料,这种材料具有热敏感性和可塑性,受热后延展性变强,冷却后又会变的和塑料一样坚硬。成型后收缩和弯曲很少出现,不会风干变形和在水中融化,还可以进行湿砂打磨处理。当将这种雕塑材料推广向全世界时,Cx5立刻成了“雕塑专用材料”。
After becoming a sculptor, Adam Beane was not satisfied with the traditional sculpture materials. He devoted himself to developing a sculpture material called CX5. This material has thermal sensitivity and plasticity. When heated, it becomes more malleable, and after cooling, it becomes as hard as plastic. After molding, shrinkage and bending rarely occur, and it will not deform in air and melt in water. It can also be grinded with wet sand. When this kind of sculpture material is popularized to the world, CX5 immediately becomes "sculpture special material".
The word archetypal may sound strange to you, but this is the prototype creation of Adam bean's achievement as a cadre film.
Adam's job is to restore the reality. He said: "today's people, don't cling to the beauty of abstraction and sublimation. The real realism is the essence of life without exaggeration.".
Adam is good at capturing subtle dynamic expressions and expressing the drape of clothes. His hands are full of rhythm and emotion. Even when there is no color, he is an excellent product.