
情态动词的用法丰富多彩,而且彼此之间很容易混淆,特别是 can 与 may,can 与 could,must 与 should,must 与 have to 等等,但把握大致的原则,情态动词的用法或习题也能迎刃而解。

一、请用 can,could,have to,must,might 或 should 完成以下句子,个别空格可能不止一个正确答案,注意大小写

1. You _____ take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a storm north of here and it _____ rain later on this afternoon.
2. _____ we pull over at the next rest stop? I really _____ use the bathroom and I don't know if I _____ hold it until we get to Chicago.
3. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He _____ have left it here last night.
4. Ned: _____ I borrow your lighter for a minute?
Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you _____ keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking.
5. I _____ believe she said that to Megan! She _____ insult her cooking in front of everyone at the party last night. She _____ have just said she was full or had some salad if she didn't like the meal.
6. Do you _____ chew with your mouth open like that? Geez, it's making me sick watching you eat that piece of pizza.
7. Mrs. Scarlett's body was found in the lounge just moments ago, and it's still warm! Nobody has left the mansion this evening, so the killer _____ be someone in this room. It _____ be any one of us!
8. Ted: I don't know why Denise starting crying when I mentioned the wedding.
Pamela: It _____ have been what you said about her brother. Or, perhaps she is just nervous. After all, the big day is tomorrow.
9. _____ you always say the first thing that pops into your head? _____ you think once in a while before you speak?
10. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It _____ be lying around here somewhere. Where _____ it be?

1. should, could
解析:第一个用 should, 用来表示建议或讨论在社会允许范围内什么是正确的或错误的,而不用 must,因为 must 语气很强,强调有必要或有义务去做某事;会不会下雨是推测,用 could 或 might,其中 could 所表示的可能性比较大,根据天气预报判断,下雨的几率高,所以用 could.
2. Can/Could, have to, can
解析:表示请求允许用 can 或 could,其中 could 更委婉;have to 表达非个人的义务行为,它侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或 “被迫”之意,通常是由一个独立的外部力量(急着上厕所)强制采取行动,所以用 have to;表能力用 can 或 could,从 I don't know 可以判断用表示现在能力的 can.
3. must
解析:must/might have done 表示对过去的行为或动作进行推测,意为”可能做过某事“,其他没有类似的用法,但是 must have done 表示的很大可能或符合逻辑的可能,从前半句判断应该用 must.
4. Can/Could, can
解析:表示请求允许用 can 或 could,其中 could 更委婉,所以前面用 can 或 could,但是后面只能用表现在的允许 can.
5. couldn't, didn't have to, should
解析:从 said 可以看出,前面表示过去的能力,以及结合后面的句意来判断,前面两个用 couldn't 和 didn't have to,后者表示没必要做什么;should have done 表示过去本应该做某事却没做,表示一种责备的语气,而 could have done 表示过去本能做某事却未做,表示对过去事情的假设,根据句意判断应该用 should.
6. have to
解析:一般疑问句以助动词 do 开头,能用的只有一个,那就是 have to,其他的不符合语法。
7. must, could/might
解析:表示符合逻辑或很大可能的主观判断只用 must,might 或 could 所表达的可能性没有 must 那么大,所以前面用 must,后面用 could 或 might,但是从前面的判断可知,这种可能性已经比较大了,所以最好不用might.
8. might
解析:同题3,但是从后半句可以判断,前面的推测结果的可能性不大,所以用 might.
9. Must, can't
解析:结合句子意思判断,此句表示是否有必要做某事,所以前面用 Must 或 should,但是从后半句判断前面的语气很强,所以前面用 Must;后面表示的是现在的能力,所以只用 can't.
10. must, could
解析:同题7,前面用 must;表示可能性不大的推测用 could或 might,其中 could 所表示的可能性比 might,might 指的是几乎是凭空想象的,因此建议用 could.
