2020年11月27日,澳洲官方发布了灯具安全标准的最新版本(主要修订了澳洲偏差部分内容)AS/NZS 60598.1:2017+A1:2017+A2:2020。
The new amendment(A2:2020) is amended to the 2017 edition of AS/NZS 60598.1, and it is approved and published on 27 November 2020.
The major revision is amended to appendix ZZ:

在澳大利亚,电器产品分为公告电器产品和非公告电器产品。公告电器产品为强制认证产品,非公告电器产品为自愿认证产品。所有销往澳大利亚的电器产品符合电器安全法案2004 版及其相关电器安全法规2006版的要求。
Aplus advise the manufacturers to design their product according the new requirement of standard, and update your certificate in the near future.
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