【新刊速递】第27期 Cambridge Review of International Affairs, No 1,2020
《剑桥国际事务评论》(Cambridge Review of International Affairs)于1985年创立,是国际关系同行评审学术期刊,以季刊形式发行。 由剑桥大学国际研究中心(现隶属牛津大学政治与国际关系学院)编辑,Routledge出版。据2018Journal Citation Reports显示,影响因子为0.656。
【编译】胡 贺 周心培 丁伟航
【审校】丁伟航 缪高意 朱文菡
1. 中美在南海交锋:一种国际秩序角度分析
4. 反对自由国际主义:中国对世界秩序的再商榷
Contesting liberal internationalism: China’s renegotiation of world order
【作者】Anisa Heritage, Pak K. Lee(肯特大学)
Conventional accounts of the South China Sea territorial disputes identify China’s assertive behavior as the primary cause of the rising tension since the early 2010s. This paper goes beyond this traditional interpretation of the disputes by arguing that the territorial disputes are an expression of the broader contestation between two order-building projects by China and the United States (US). China’s assertive behavior originates in its desire to promote a ‘historical’ and ‘post-colonial’ maritime order that is premised on its Sino-centric historical narrative of the Sea and on its emphasis on the historical legitimacy of the regional order of 1943–1945. The US-led ‘liberal’ maritime order is underpinned by a post-war legal framework built on the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the notion and practice of freedom of navigation. Since October 2015 the US has enhanced its freedom of navigation operations to challenge China’s ‘excessive’ maritime or territorial claims. We conclude that as a result of the uneasy coexistence of these two order-building projects, which fundamentally disagree over the foundations of maritime order in the South China Sea, the disputes have reached an open-ended impasse.
【题目】Investigating the impact of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) on the contemporary world order: a case of Chinese SOE investment in the Canadian hydrocarbon sector
【作者】Anastasia Ufimtseva(威尔弗雷德·劳里大学)
在一些资源富集的国家,中国国有企业(SOE)已经成为重要的海外直接投资来源。SOE投资的扩张已经在西半球引发人们讨论:SOE会挑战自由主义的经济实践吗?会改变投资对象国的国内治理吗?本文通过考察中国SOE投资加拿大油气行业(hydrocarbon sector)的案例,以推进这场讨论。本文援引了世界秩序、国际商贸及国际关系相关的文献,借以审视SOE投资对西半球投资所在国的影响。我认为,加拿大对SOE投资的回应偏于审慎,这为制度创新留下空间。政府可由此对SOE投资实施更严格的监管。我提议,更加严格的监管可被视作对自由主义经济实践的支持,不过,它也可能起到意想不到的相反效果。
Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have become an important source of foreign direct investment (FDI) in resource-rich countries. Their expansion has stirred a debate in the Western hemisphere about the ability of SOEs to challenge liberal economic practices and to alter domestic governance in the countries where they invest. This paper contributes to this debate by examining the case of Chinese SOE investment in the Canadian hydrocarbon sector. It uses insights from the literature on the world order, international business, and international relations to examine the impact of SOE investment on a host country in the Western hemisphere. As I argue, the Canadian response to SOE’s investment has been on the cautionary side, which opens avenues for institutional innovation that leads to stricter regulations of SOEs’ FDI. As I propose, stricter regulations can be reinterpreted as an attempt to support liberal economic practices, yet may unintentionally have the opposite effect.
【题目】Challenging the liberal international order by chipping away at US Structural power: China’s state-guided investment in technology and finance in Russia
【作者】Anton Malkin(国际治理创新中心)
【题目】Contesting within order? China, socialisation, and international practice
【作者】Catherine Jones(圣安德鲁斯大学)