Astronomy Picture of the Day——日全食下的鸟

Birds During a Total Solar Eclipse
Image Credit & Copyright: LeonardoCaldas
Explanation: What do birds do during atotal solar eclipse? Darkness descends more quickly in a total eclipse thanduring sunset, but returns just as quickly -- and perhaps unexpectedly to theavians -- just a few minutes later. Stories about the unusual behavior of birdsduring eclipses have been told for centuries, but bird reactions were recordedand studied systematically by citizen scientists participating in an eBirdproject during the total solar eclipse that crossed the USA in 2017 August.Although some unusual behaviors were observed, many observers noted birdsacting like it was dusk and either landing or flying low to the ground. Radarconfirmed a significant decrease in high-flying birds and insects during andjust after totality. Conversely, several sightings of normally nocturnal birdswere reported. Pictured, a flock of birds in La Serena, Chile flew through theair together during the total solar eclipse that crossed South America lastweek. The photographer captured the scene in frames from an eclipse video. Thenext total solar eclipse in 2020 December will also cross South America, whilein 2024 April a total solar eclipse will cross North America from Mexicothrough New England, USA.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——在射电波下拍摄的银心