【火腿快新闻】IC-7300还买不买? | 美国市场价格出炉(1499.55美金=9824.67人民币)


【产品大爆炸】新品 |  ICOM公司IC-7300上市时间敲定

The Icom IC-7300 saw its debut at the Tokyo Hamfair August 22, 2015. This new HF plus 6 meter 100 watt transceiver hosts new capabilities and technologies for its class. Instead of the conventional superheterodyne system, a direct RF sampling approach is used. The brilliant TFT touch screen provides complete operational status including a stunning real-time spectrum display with waterfall. There is a built-in tuner. Other features include: Voice memory, 15 Band Pass Filters, CW/RTTY memory keyer functions, RTTY decode, SD card slot, USB for CI-V and audio I/O, digital noise reduction and 101 memories. Only 9.45 x 3.75 x 9.37 inches (240x95x238mm). Supplied with HM-219 hand mic, DC power cord and fuses.

Price: $1499.95

2015年8月22日,Icom公司最新产品 IC-7300在东京火腿展上首秀,此新款HF和6米段100W功率的收发信机拥有新功能并符合该等级装备的技术水平。该设备使用直接射频采样电路,摒弃了传统的超外差系统设计。智能液晶触摸屏提供完整设备运营状态显示,其中还包括一个惊人的瀑布实时频谱显示系统。该机内置天调,其他功能还包括:声音记录、15波段带通滤波、CW / RTTY记忆键控功能、SD卡槽、CI-V USB接口及 I/O音频接口、数字静噪和101台记忆。该机尺寸仅 9.45 x 3.75 x 9.37 英寸 (240x95x238mm)。该机标配HM-219手咪,直流电源线和保险丝。

价格: 1499.95 美元

