(when evaluating one's own behavior, the situational factors are often exaggerated when there is a negative outcome while dispositional factors are exaggerated when there is a positive outcome.)
(Self-serving bias is attributing dispositional and internal factors for success, while external and uncontrollable factors are used to explain the reason for failure. For example, if a person gets promoted, it is because of his/her ability and competence whereas if he/she does not get promoted, it is because his/her manager does not like him/her (external, uncontrollable factor). Originally, researchers assumed that self-serving bias is strongly related to the fact that people want to protect their self-esteem. )
(However, an alternative information processing explanation is that when the outcomes match people's expectations, they make attributions to internal factors. For example, if you pass a test you believe it was because of your intelligence; when the outcome does not match their expectations, they make external attributions or excuses. Whereas if you fail a test, you would give an excuse saying that you did not have enough time to study.)
(People also use defensive attribution to avoid feelings of vulnerability and to differentiate themselves from a victim of a tragic accident. )
(An alternative version of the theory of self-serving bias states that the bias does not arise because people wish to protect their private self-esteem, but to protect their self-image (a self-presentational bias). This version of the theory would predict that people attribute their successes to situational factors, for fear that others will disapprove of them looking overly vain if they should attribute successes to themselves.)
(it is suggested that coming to believe that "good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people" will reduce feelings of vulnerability. This belief would have side-effects of blaming the victim even in tragic situations.When a mudslide destroys several houses in a rural neighborhood, a person living in a more urban setting might blame the victims for choosing to live in a certain area or not building a safer, stronger house. )
(Another example of attributional bias is optimism bias in which most people believe positive events happen to them more often than to others and that negative events happen to them less often than to others. For example, smokers on average believe they are less likely to get lung cancer than other smokers.)
这种人们倾向于把好的事情、结果归于自己的功劳,把坏的事情和结果归于他人的现象普遍存在,不信么?想想自己身上最近发生的一些事,有没有出现这种情况?如果答案是肯定的,不用悲伤,You are not alone, 如果答案是否定的,我只能顶礼膜拜了。
为什么会有这种归因偏差存在呢?因为这种归因偏差可以维护我们的自尊。在我们面对失败时不会那么饱受打击痛苦万分,内心愧疚感少一些,自我感觉好一些。毫无疑问,这是人的一种自我防御机制。所以这种现象存在的原因就是,We are human beings !人之常情!
事情发生时,自己一直责怪、埋怨超市,如果不能立即送货上门,需要排长队,就应该写清楚,而且仅仅一个送货员负责送货,这完全与超市这么大的规模有出入。其实这件事也怪自己没问清楚,而且事后为了让自己不那么内疚,还把这件事归因到荷尔蒙的作用,I am a human being。
虽然归因偏差普遍存在,可是不能因此遇到问题就各种逃避责任,依然需要理性、客观看待事物,也许下次再遇到问题时,我还会潜意识第一时间归责于他人,可是我也会记得时时提醒自己要客观看待,先分析下是不是自己的原因,I’ll try my best!