小词详解 | volatile

volatile 英 [ˈvɒlətaɪl] 美 [ˈvɑːlətl]
Energy companies are keen to produce oil and gas more efficiently, as they grapple with volatile prices and uncertain long-term demand.
——《经济学人》Clients are looking for relatively less volatile investments.
[形容词] (指物质)在常温下容易挥发的
Volatile solvents are liquids that vaporize at room temperature.
That brazen woman was flirting with just about every man in the room. None of those men knew that she had a highly volatile personality.那个身高体壮的男人脾气十分暴躁,别人很难与他相处。
The hefty man had a volatile temper and couldn't have been easy to live with.
The riot waged for several months and the situation is still volatile.一旦新总统就职,食品和燃料的价格将极易波动。
Food and fuel prices will be very volatile once the new president is inaugurated.
The volatile beauty salvaged her tarnished public image.所有这些动辄引起的疑心最终酿成悲剧。
All these volatile suspicions culminated in tragedy.
I'm very volatile, for instance. And I have trouble making up my mind about things.
mercurial: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind capricious: given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour whimsical: acting or behaving in a capricious manner
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